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    interview with Tadahiro Nomura: mind, skill, body


    Posts : 839
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    interview with Tadahiro Nomura: mind, skill, body Empty interview with Tadahiro Nomura: mind, skill, body

    Post by noboru Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:53 pm

    Tadahiro Nomura: mind, skill, body PART 1

    Nomura wrote:
    --- However you achieved V2 and tried to 3rd medal…
    It was bloody hard. If I can describe my condition as “心技体” (mind, skill, body), Atlanta was “body”, Sydney was “skill” and Athens was “mind”. In that time it was common sense in Judo that it is impossible to achieve Gold medal twice in light weight category. Three times Gold medal was out of mind. There was nobody around me who was still competing over 30 years old. However little by little I started to feel that I want to challenge again.. It took 2 years to finally decide that I would continue Judo as the competitor.

    Tadahiro Nomura: mind, skill, body PART 2

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