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    Judo Management


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    Judo Management  Empty Judo Management

    Post by noboru Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:12 am

    Judo Management

    True leadership is based on Jita kyoei
    Knowing the diference between leadership and management is crucial. Is not just a matter of hierarchy.

    In John  P. Kotter´s words  "management is a set of well- known processes that help organizations  produce reliable, efficient, and predictable results” and “leadership is about setting a direction, creating a vision and inspiring people to want to achieve the vision, and enabling them to do so with energy and speed through an effective strategy”

    Management is no leadership but  both are essential in organizations of any size to win in volatile environments.

    The ideals of the judo founder Jigoro Kano: Seiryoku-zenyo,  and Jita-kyoei  have  much to do with management and  leadership.

    Kano believed that everything in life is achieved through Seiryoku  zenyo,-the most efficient use of energy- the principle is to  nurture physical and mental energy proportionately and  maintain it. In other words: management.

    According to Kanos´s ideals, the  key to individual development, social advancement, and the  ultimate triumph of humanity is to know how to use these energies to their fullest potential. The trainee must learn to develop and use energy for their own benefit. Once this is acomplished, he will be in a position to play a role in the improvement of conditions for his fellows human beings. This in turn links to the second judo ideal,  Jita kyoei- mutual prosperity in all endeavors-. The individual should  always maintain an equilibirum of altruism and self-development, and Jita kyoei should be counciously “put into practice”  rather than considered an abstract philanthropic ideal.

    One  of the Top Business leaders of the past years, Bill George, teaches leadership in the Harvard Business School and says  that the authentic leader develops a leadership style true to their personality, character, strenghts, weaknesses, inspire colleagues and bring together around a shared purpose and a common set of values. Leaders also have the ability to establish deep long-term and genuine relationships where others trust them. Authentic leaders demonstrate a passion for their purpose and practice their values consistently.

    Bill George in his book with Peter Sims, True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership , 2007   writes “the challenge is to understand ourselves well enough to discover where we can use our leadership gifts to serve others (…) for authentic leaders, there are special rewards. No individual achievement can equal the pleasure of leading a group of people to achieve a worthy goal. When you cross the finish line together, all the pain and suffering you may have experienced quickly vanishes. It is replaced by a deep inner satisfaction that you have empowered others and thus made the world a better place. That’s the challenge and the fulfillment of authentic leadership”.  

    That´s Jita-kyoei, mutual prosperity in all endeavors.

    Jigoro Kano in 1922 stated that Seiryoku-zenio  is the underlying principle for training  in the techniques of judo, and applies to all actions in daily life was required to provide the platform for Jita- kyoei as an advanced, altruistic dogma.

    That´s leadership + managment. Leaderment?

    Posted by Ferran Agundez

    Last edited by noboru on Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:14 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 839
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Judo Management  Empty Effectiveness can be learned

    Post by noboru Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:13 am

    Effectiveness can be learned

    Effectiveness can be learned

    effectiveness |ɪˈfɛktɪvnɪs|
    noun [ mass noun ]
    the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result; success: the effectiveness of thetreatment.
    efficiency |ɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nsi|
    noun (pl.efficiencies) [ mass noun ]
    the state or quality of being efficient: greater energy efficiency.

    “ .... the principle of the Maximum Efficiency in use of mind and body. On this principle the whole fabric of the art and science of judo is constructed. “ (Jigoro Kano)

    Begining with Concept of the Corporation (1946) Peter Drucker laid out a visión of the corporation as a social institution.
    He was a business thinker and developed a humanistic vocabulary for management. He was interested in the behavior of people and in the growing effect of people who worked with their minds rather than their hands.
    In The effective executive (1967) wrote : “Executives are being paid for getting the right things done, most of all in their specific task : the making of effective decisions.”

    Effectiveness is a habit, that is a complex of practices. Practices one learns by practising and practising and practising again.

    He defined five practices — five such habits of the mind that have to be acquired to be an effective executive:

    · Effective executives know where their time goes.
    · Effective executives focus on outward contributions.
    · Effective executives build on strengths.
    · Effective executives concentrate on the few major areas where superior performance will produce outstanding results.
    · Effective executives finally make effective decisions.

    Drucker concluded that effectiveness can , and must, be learned.

    Peter Drucker Jigoro Kano

    With the systemisation of judo techniques , developed from jujutsu , and the focus on perfecting the technical skills , Jigoro Kano established a way to develop the practitioner´s mental and physical strengths in order to execute their actions effectively.

    “When your opponent attacks, you have a little time to think of how best to deal with the situation at hand. While keeping guard , let your mind dictate your actions naturally. This is your only recourse when under attack. If your opponent is not attacking but taking a defensive stance instead, you must adapt and try an array of different attacks to win . Be sure not to hesitate or waver in your determination when applying techniques. Be resolute in your decisión and make your choice carefully by considering the surrounds and all the options available to you. Do not apply techniques half –heartedly , or relinquish your efforts to find a more effective way.”

    Kano also taugth that each individual should strengthen his/her body , develop intellect and morality , and cultivate attributes beneficial to society. As well Drucker treated the corporation as a social network in which the capacity and potential of everyone involved had to be developed and respected.

    The contribuiton of the Judo founder and Peter Drucker , the man who did more than any one to introduce the management concept after World War II ,was not a single idea, but rather an entire body of work in education were nearly all of it is essentially right.

    “Judo is the way to the most effective use of physical and mental strength. By practising attacking and defending it develops body and soul and becomes part of being, both in body and spirit. In that way one is able to perfect oneself and to be valuable to the world. This is the ultimate goal of the discipline of judo. Anyone planning to follow the road of judo should above all engrave this lesson in his heart.”

    (Jigoro Kano, founding father of Judo)
    Posted by Ferran Agundez at 11:20

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