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    Kataguruma - variation


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    Kataguruma - variation Empty Kataguruma - variation

    Post by noboru Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:44 am

    Nice explanation of interesting version of Kataguruma - holding sleeve and lapel (one side).


    Tori is German judoka Richard Trautmann - below is info from judoinside.com http://www.judoinside.com/judoka/view/2225/

    Richard Trautmann was 1992 and 1996 Olympic bronze medallist for Germany in Barcelona and Atlanta U60kg. He won World bronze in 1993 in Hamilton. He became European team champion with Germany in 1994 and 1995 and twice silver. In 1991 he won the World Masters. Later he became succesful talent coach.


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    Join date : 2014-03-18

    Kataguruma - variation Empty Re: Kataguruma - variation

    Post by SPFransen Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:09 pm

    Nice variation! I guess he set-up is illegal in competition, because he's using two hands to free the arm? Still a cool variation I'd like to practice. Thanks.

    Posts : 159
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    Location : Norway

    Kataguruma - variation Empty Re: Kataguruma - variation

    Post by Ryvai Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:10 pm

    SPFransen wrote:Nice variation! I guess he set-up is illegal in competition, because he's using two hands to free the arm? Still a cool variation I'd like to practice. Thanks.

    There is nothing wrong with it, but you have to attack 'immediately', where IJFs intepretation of what is immediate is anything between 1 second to 5 seconds, depending on what you do with it. All you have to do tap the inside leg to unbalance him with ko-uchi-gari and you've 'done something' with it.

    Posts : 200
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    Age : 59
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    Kataguruma - variation Empty Re: Kataguruma - variation

    Post by Y-Chromosome Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:28 am

    No. SPFransen is correct.

    ARTICLE 25 - Prohibited Acts and Penalties, SHIDO (Slight Infringements Group),
    (a) 23. Breaking the grip of the opponent with 2 hands.

    This a stupid rule that forces judoka to do things in a technically inefficient manner. It was made necessary because their other stupid rule about not attacking the legs which led ... predictably ... to an increase in the intensity and importance of grip fighting.

    This form of kata guruma would be quite useful to overcome the imposed limitations of judo due to the leg rule, but you won't be able to break uke's grip with both hands as shown to set it it up, so you'll need to intercept uke's hand before he grabs your eri.

    Posts : 159
    Join date : 2013-07-16
    Location : Norway

    Kataguruma - variation Empty Re: Kataguruma - variation

    Post by Ryvai Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:16 am

    Y-Chromosome wrote:No.  SPFransen is correct.

    ARTICLE 25 - Prohibited Acts and Penalties, SHIDO (Slight Infringements Group),
    (a) 23. Breaking the grip of the opponent with 2 hands.

    This a stupid rule that forces judoka to do things in a technically inefficient manner.  It was made necessary because their other stupid rule about not attacking the legs which led ... predictably ... to an increase in the intensity and importance of grip fighting.

    This form of kata guruma would be quite useful to overcome the imposed limitations of judo due to the leg rule, but you won't be able to break uke's grip with both hands as shown to set it it up, so you'll need to intercept uke's hand before he grabs your eri.

    There's the rules and there's the adopted intepretations of the rules. The only way to grip-break using two hands now is if its part of a technique, e.g. two-on-one hand tai-otoshi, seoi-nage, and so on. You can break the grip with two hands if it is immediately followed up by a technique or legitimate attempt to do so in a continuous motion.

    Posts : 200
    Join date : 2015-06-02
    Age : 59
    Location : The Great White North

    Kataguruma - variation Empty Re: Kataguruma - variation

    Post by Y-Chromosome Sat Feb 27, 2016 4:40 am

    I have to admit that I wasn't aware of that interpretation.  This is really what's maddening about the IJF.  They change their minds so often you can't keep on top of it unless you go to every single referee clinic.
    Well, good to know anyway. Honestly though, I don't see the point of having any restrictions on gripping.  In theory it's supposed to prevent stalling but in practice all it seems to do is limit the variety of possible attacks by making attacks from a "non standard" grip more challanging to set up and execute.

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