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    Do pro's have their judogi's made for them?


    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2014-08-29
    Age : 34
    Location : BRNO (CZE)

    Do pro's have their judogi's made for them? Empty Do pro's have their judogi's made for them?

    Post by nikeid Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:46 am

    once again hello.

    i was wondering whether the professional judokas have their gi's really altered for them, like really made especially for them .. or do they just buy the right size? because i think that each gi i buy has to be altered in some way (baggy pants, too long jacket, too long pants, too wide sleeves, ...) .. but when you shorten the jacket, it becomes illegal, right? because the two slits on the bottom sides of the jacket has to be at some length, right?

    how do the pro's get them as fit as they look?


    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2019-02-06

    Do pro's have their judogi's made for them? Empty Re: Do pro's have their judogi's made for them?

    Post by russthejudoguy Thu Feb 21, 2019 6:40 am

    It doesn't look like anyone ever responded to this question. Mizuno used to make custom Judo uniforms in their Japanese manufacturing facility, but they closed the production line done a couple of years ago, and I don't believe anyone has ever picked up the idea of making made to measure Judo uniforms, and that's a shame because for some big people wanting to get into Judo, it was a really good way to get a uniform that fits. However at a cost of more than $300, you can imagine that it was never a particularly popular option.

    The professional judokas that you asked about, go thru a lot more uniforms in a year than most of us, and the cost and more importantly, the wait times wouldn't be ideal for them either.

    I would suspect that more often than not the just order a different size jacket and pants to accommodate basic differences. Some Mizuno and other high end uniforms also had Slim, Short, and Long Options too, for the serious competitors.


    Posts : 42
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    Do pro's have their judogi's made for them? Empty Re: Do pro's have their judogi's made for them?

    Post by classicschmosby Thu Feb 21, 2019 8:12 am

    Kusakura have a range of sizes that get very close to custom fit. And Toraki do fully custom fit, As the previous reply mentioned the usual half sizes combined with potential slimfit versions cover most elite judoka.

    Posts : 66
    Join date : 2013-02-07

    Do pro's have their judogi's made for them? Empty Re: Do pro's have their judogi's made for them?

    Post by gester Thu Feb 21, 2019 5:48 pm

    How do custom gi’s get IJF certifications?

    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2019-02-06

    Do pro's have their judogi's made for them? Empty Re: Do pro's have their judogi's made for them?

    Post by russthejudoguy Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:44 am

    classicschmosby wrote:Kusakura have a range of sizes that get very close to custom fit. And Toraki do fully custom fit, As the previous reply mentioned the usual half sizes combined with potential slimfit versions cover most elite judoka.

    The old Toraki Gold Judogi used to be my favorite, and I wore it through a large portion of my competitive career. However, to my knowledge they are still not IJF approved, and while the Personal Gold system does a great job of matching measurements up with available sizes, it is not a truly custom uniform, because no alterations are being done to the uniforms, and it certainly not being made to order.

    That said, as a training uniform, and local thru regional competition uniform, it is an excellent choice.

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    Do pro's have their judogi's made for them? Empty Re: Do pro's have their judogi's made for them?

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