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    JUDO TECHNIQUES: Nobutaka Mizuguchi - Supreme Judo


    Posts : 840
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    JUDO TECHNIQUES: Nobutaka Mizuguchi - Supreme Judo Empty JUDO TECHNIQUES: Nobutaka Mizuguchi - Supreme Judo

    Post by noboru Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:51 pm

    JUDO TECHNIQUES: Nobutaka Mizuguchi - Supreme Judo

    In this video, Nobutaka Mizuguchi 7th dan in Kodokan Judo and student of Kyozo Mifune shares traditional Judo techniques.

    He prefers the old Judo - before it became focused on competition. At over 70 years of age, Mizuguchi wants to share the original Judo that he learned from his father and from Kyuzo Mifune with the next generation.


    Ippon seoi-nage
    Shime (chokes)
    Principles of newaza

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