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    Hawaii Karate Museum - bujutsu books collection


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    Hawaii Karate Museum - bujutsu books collection Empty Hawaii Karate Museum - bujutsu books collection

    Post by noboru Fri Apr 29, 2016 4:37 pm


    There are some historical books (japanese mostly) available for downloading in pdf.

    About Gichin Funakoshi
    Asahi Daily News Article.
    Published in 1927
    4 Pages
    Japanese Language

    Karate-Do Kyohan
    Karate-Do Master Text
    by Gichin Funakoshi
    Published in 1935, First edition
    302 pages
    Japanese Language

    Rentan Goshin Toudi Jutsu
    Toudi (Karate) Arts: Polish Your Courage for Self Defense
    by Gichin Funakoshi
    Published by Daisoko Bundo
    Originally published in March 10, 1925
    6th pringint, April 1st, 1926
    Japanese Language

    Randori Kappou, Jujitsu Kyokasho
    Textbook on Jujitsu
    by Yoshinari Iguichi
    Kaishin Shorou
    Published in October 10th, 1912
    Japanese Language

    Budo Kodokan Kijutsugi
    Ibaragiken Budo College
    176 pages
    Japanese Language

    Kobo Kenpo Karate-Do Nyumon
    An Introduction to Karate-Do:Offensive and Defensive Boxing
    by Kenwa Mabuni and Genwa Nakasone
    Published in March 25th, 1938
    209 pages
    Japanese Language>

    Seipai no Kenkyu: KoboJizai Karate Kenpo
    The study of Seipai: Attack and Defense at Will, Karate Kenpo
    by Shihan Kenwa Mabuni
    Published by Karate Kenkyusha: Kyobukan
    October 25th, 1934
    176 pages
    Japanese Language

    The Science of Slef-Defense for Girls & Women
    by Professor Henry H.S. Okazaki
    Published in 1929
    Kahului, Maui, Territory of Hawaii
    72 pages
    English Language

    The Phoenix, A Monthly Magazine for India, Burma, Siam, China, Japan & Eastern Asia Vol. III, No. 35
    May 1873
    Contains the article, Notes on Loochoo, by E.W. Satow, Esq
    Donated by David A. Williams

    Seinen Goshin Jutsu
    Self-Defense For Young People
    by Heijiro Takefuji
    Japanese Language

    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Hawaii Karate Museum - bujutsu books collection Empty Re: Hawaii Karate Museum - bujutsu books collection

    Post by NBK Fri Apr 29, 2016 5:50 pm

    Yes, that's a nice site, thanks for posting!

    There's a healthy Japanese American (and often Japanese Chinese American, etc) community there and someone gave them some nice books.

    At one point Japanese emigres made up something surprising like 40% of Oahu's population, many immigrants from Okinawa and other rural areas recruited to work on plantations.

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