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    Kano article praising kamikaze pilots


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    Kano article praising kamikaze pilots Empty Kano article praising kamikaze pilots

    Post by NBK Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:28 pm

    I recently found an article written by Kano shihan praising a couple of Kamikaze pilots.

    Quite a shock!

    Posts : 222
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    Location : Brussels, Belgium

    Kano article praising kamikaze pilots Empty Re: Kano article praising kamikaze pilots

    Post by Jihef Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:44 pm

    NBK wrote:I recently found an article written by Kano shihan praising a couple of Kamikaze pilots.

    Quite a shock!  
    Did your account got hacked ?

    Kamikaze pilots… before 1938 ? ? scratch

    Posts : 222
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    Location : Brussels, Belgium

    Kano article praising kamikaze pilots Empty Re: Kano article praising kamikaze pilots

    Post by Jihef Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:16 am

    NBK wrote:I recently found an article written by Kano shihan praising a couple of Kamikaze pilots.

    Quite a shock!  
    This not being April fool's day… Do you mind substantiating this claim ? scratch

    Kano died in 1938, before WWII started and, for most people, Kamikaze pilots are associated with suicide squads formed in 1944, when things were getting sour for Japan's war machine…

    So I don't know what you are talking about, or mean. Is this just to check if there is traffic on the forum, or ?

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    Kano article praising kamikaze pilots Empty Re: Kano article praising kamikaze pilots

    Post by finarashi Sat Dec 17, 2016 5:03 am

    If this happened closer to 1900 than 1938 then I agree with NBK bounce bounce

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    Kano article praising kamikaze pilots Empty Re: Kano article praising kamikaze pilots

    Post by NBK Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:20 am

    finarashi wrote:If this happened closer to 1900 than 1938 then I agree with NBK bounce bounce

    Now you have me curious - what happened in 1900?

    Certainly there were celebrated judoka who died in the blockade of Port Arthur in the Russo Japanese War that were lionized in Japan later, but I don't recall the term Kamikaze, which is even in the title of the 1937 article by Kano shihan.

    Perhaps I should have waited until Apr 1 but the article is very real. I'll post part of it here sometime soon.


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    Kano article praising kamikaze pilots Empty Re: Kano article praising kamikaze pilots

    Post by finarashi Tue Dec 20, 2016 7:22 am

    Now I am both curious and happy. Curious of the fact, but happy because such facts are hard to find

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    Kano article praising kamikaze pilots Empty Re: Kano article praising kamikaze pilots

    Post by NBK Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:00 am

    Researching an article by Kano shihan, I stumbled across an article written in praise of two Kamikaze pilots. I was shocked - because of the content, and the date, 1937.

    But when I dug up the article, it turned out to be an unexpected episode. From Wiki:

    Kamikaze (神風号 Kamikaze-gō) was a Mitsubishi Ki-15 Karigane aircraft, (registration J-BAAI) sponsored by the newspaper Asahi Shimbun. It became famous on April 9, 1937, as the first Japanese-built aircraft to fly from Japan to Europe. The flight from Tokyo to London took 51 hours, 17 minutes and 23 seconds and was piloted by Masaaki Iinuma (1912–1941), with Kenji Tsukagoshi (1900–1943) serving as navigator.

    A bit of research showed that both Iinuma and Tsukagoshi both were killed just a few years later, IIRC one in a commercial aviation incident, the other as a military pilot (not a 'kamikaze' suicide bomber, but earlier in the war. I should not have put a date on it to prolong the prank, but Jihef immediately figured it out).

    Kano shihan was a great fan of aviation, loved to fly, which saved him a lot of time in his broad travels, and was very complimentary of these young gents and the Japanese technology that produced their plane. This article was one of the very last he wrote for Judo magazine.

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    Kano article praising kamikaze pilots Empty Re: Kano article praising kamikaze pilots

    Post by cokiee Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:00 am

    One wonders how they flew 51 hours?!

    Posts : 1298
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    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Kano article praising kamikaze pilots Empty Re: Kano article praising kamikaze pilots

    Post by NBK Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:37 pm

    cokiee wrote:One wonders how they flew 51 hours?!

    The record they were trying to break was the 100 hr total time Paris to Tokyo - almost 3 days.  

    From wheels up in Tachikawa Airfield, Tokyo to London was almost 95 hrs. Total flight time 51 hrs plus, rest apparently for refueling, crew rest, maintenance (particularly in Paris, it seems), and not unlikely a skin full of amphetamines.

    Left Apr 6, 1937
    Fuel stops at Taipei, Hanoi, Vientienne Laos, Calcutta, Karachi, Basrah Iraq, Baghdad, Athens, Rome, Paris, then London.
    Total time 94時間17分56秒
    less fueling, maintenance, eating, 51時間19分23秒
    Japanese Wiki

    The Ki-15 was an Army reconnaissance plane, less than 1,000 built in all. This era was one in which all kinds of such records were being made and challenged, particularly in military or prototype aircraft.  

    Here's a map - would've been much shorter to fly across Siberia.
    http://kyowanannohi.blog.fc2.com/img/kamikazegou.jpg/Kano article praising kamikaze pilots Kamikazegou

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