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    Ozaka’s Jiu Jitsu


    Posts : 507
    Join date : 2013-01-11
    Location : Finland

    Ozaka’s Jiu Jitsu Empty Ozaka’s Jiu Jitsu

    Post by finarashi Mon Mar 20, 2017 3:53 am

    If one looks at film ads around various places there was one that caught my eye (May 1918, New Zealand)
    Ozaka’s Jiu Jitsu

    Ozaka’s Jiu Jitsu seems to have been a one reeler that was shown around the world. Instead of one long film the cinematographic evening contained half a dozen of different small items.

    The same film based on name was also shown in Finland around 1911. Ozaka, jiu-jitsu

    Does anybody have a clue of the nature of this feature and where it was made?

    Posts : 160
    Join date : 2013-12-02

    Ozaka’s Jiu Jitsu Empty Re: Ozaka’s Jiu Jitsu

    Post by Reinberger Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:47 am

    I don't know anything about the movie, but I know that before WWI a certain E. W. Nuthall used the name "Prof. Ozaka" in connection with Jiu Jitsu.

    As several newspapers reported, he was killed in action in  France in 1918.

    The surname isn't correct in the following clipping, it's Nuthall, not Nutholl:Ozaka’s Jiu Jitsu 2ecdeuo
    johan smits

    Posts : 122
    Join date : 2013-01-22

    Ozaka’s Jiu Jitsu Empty Re: Ozaka’s Jiu Jitsu

    Post by johan smits Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:54 am

    This is info from Joe Svinth from 2007 found on E-budo.
    Seems to me to be the same guy.

    From the Oakland Tribune, June 9, 1918:

    Jiu-Jitsu Expert Killed in Battle

    LONDON, June 1. -- Recent casualty lists from the big battle in France contain the name of E. W. Nuthall, who under the name "Professor Ozaka" was known, before the war, as European champion at jiu-jitsu. He had studied the art for many years in Japan, and acted as chief instructor in gymnastics in the British army during the early years of the war. About two months ago he was, at his own request, transferred to active duty at the front. He was killed in the fighting on the Armentieres front.


    There was a Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Nuthall who left England for South Africa, arriving in July 1909. The same folks? http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/SOUTH-AFRICA-IMMIGRANTS-BRITISH/2002-12/1041016420

    Probably it is --

    From the Harlestone War Memorial, in Norfolk: http://www.roll-of-honour.com/Norfolk/Harleston.html

    NUTHALL E. W. Possibly: Sergeant 4374. 1st Regiment (Inf), South African Infantry. Died on 10th April 1918. Commemorated: Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium. Panel 15 - 16 and 16A.x

    Happy landings.

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