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    Katsu Kaishu's poem - alternative translation


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    Katsu Kaishu's poem - alternative translation Empty Katsu Kaishu's poem - alternative translation

    Post by NBK Wed Sep 20, 2017 10:40 am

    Another post by Anatol reminded me.

    In many posts, over several years, some of our members have made various translations of Katsu Kaishu's poem, penned on the occasion of the opening ceremony of one of the versions of the Kodokan.

    Anatol's final version:

    Maybe you remember your quote by Katsu Kaishū (from a calligraphy?) on the old Judo Forum, which has daoist origin:

    With an empty mind
    (wu xin, mu shin)
    the naturalness/ spontanity (ziran)
    the mysterious/wounderful (miao)

    Without any action (wu wei)
    after all
    (you will) transform (hua)
    to spirit (shen)

    Here's a version from the 1962 Kodokan book, the bilingual EN/FR 'Histoire du Judo', pg 70. The occasion is the opening of the new Shitatomi-saka dojo, May 1894.


    The man who is disinterested,
    discovers all the marvels of nature,

    The man who is released from all action,
    knows all the subtleties of movement.

    l'homme connait les merveilles de la nature,

    Dégagé de toute action,
    l'homme connait toutes les finesses du mouvement.

    I have no idea who translated either version.

    Lance Gatling
    Embassy Judo
    Tokyo, Japan
    Facebook www.facebook.com/usejc

    Posts : 507
    Join date : 2013-01-11
    Location : Finland

    Katsu Kaishu's poem - alternative translation Empty Re: Katsu Kaishu's poem - alternative translation

    Post by finarashi Thu Sep 21, 2017 4:22 am

    NBK wrote:....
    Here's a version from the 1962 Kodokan book, the bilingual EN/FR 'Histoire du Judo', pg 70. The occasion is the opening of the new Shitatomi-saka dojo, May 1894.


    The man who is disinterested,
    discovers all the marvels of nature,

    The man who is released from all action,
    knows all the subtleties of movement.

    l'homme connait les merveilles de la nature,

    Dégagé de toute action,
    l'homme connait toutes les finesses du mouvement.

    I have no idea who translated either version.

    Lance Gatling
    Embassy Judo
    Tokyo, Japan  
    Facebook www.facebook.com/usejc
    I thought that it was work by Plée Henry (1923 - 2014) who did all this Judo International stuff. But he could have had help, winged it or got it translated.

    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2018-04-02

    Katsu Kaishu's poem - alternative translation Empty Re: Katsu Kaishu's poem - alternative translation

    Post by judoresearcher Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:22 am


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