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    beginning judo at 33 y.o., as a bjj pratictioner?


    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2017-12-31

    beginning judo at 33 y.o., as a bjj pratictioner? Empty beginning judo at 33 y.o., as a bjj pratictioner?

    Post by maddrifter Sun Dec 31, 2017 10:14 pm

    Hello guys, first of all i apologize for my poor english. I am a 32 y.o. brasilian ju jisu blue belt. In order to improve my standing game and throws (or better, in order to start learning a bit about it, as many bjj guys i usually use double leg as takedown or pull guard) i asked a judoka friend to show me some judo, and i love it. So i'd like to ask you a lot of questions:
    1) am i to old to learn judo? i am very fit (i work as a s&c coach) but obviously not as unconsumedas i were at 20 y.o., i had some minor injuries (shoulder, knees) and take a bit longer to recover after training, and judo training seems to me very very hard, compared to bjj.
    2) when i go to the dojo and talk to the teacher, should i ask to "practice judo" as a whole art, or should i say that i want to improve my standing game for bjj?
    i mean, i read about judo on this forum, wiki and watched many videos.. i prob would love to start from very 0 and learn every detail, but my friend (bb national level) disenchanted me, by telling me that in judo till bb (4 to 10 years) i'd spend most of the time learning katas and like 40 throws i will never use in competition, nor in judo nor in bjj. He says (and he's at very high level) he constantly only uses like 3-4 throws. Is that true?
    3) in bjj i love very heavy and thick gis, could you suggest me some judogi model?
    Thanks a lot!

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