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    BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi. What is the difference?

    john newman
    john newman

    Posts : 10
    Join date : 2020-01-15
    Age : 30
    Location : Socal

    BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi. What is the difference? Empty BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi. What is the difference?

    Post by john newman Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:35 am

    Thank you very much for accepting me here. I really appreciate that.
    I am very new to training and I have a little confusion related to Gis

    Can you please help me out in choosing the right Gi for judo?

    What is the difference between Karate gi and other gis
    I bought a gi online and my couch said it is a BJJ gi and i seriously have no idea about what is a Judo gi and what is the difference between my gi and the judo gi. I checked the web and it is bjj gi but why is this a BJJ gi?

    I tried to search about it online but couldn't get sufficient information about that so i think i should ask the question here.

    Please help me out and thanks in advance for your help

    Posts : 53
    Join date : 2013-01-09
    Age : 53
    Location : northern CA

    BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi. What is the difference? Empty Re: BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi. What is the difference?

    Post by davidn Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:21 pm

    john newman wrote:Thank you very much for accepting me here. I really appreciate that.
    I am very new to training and I have a little confusion related to Gis

    Can you please help me out in choosing the right Gi for judo?

    What is the difference between Karate gi and other gis
    I bought a gi online and my couch said it is a BJJ gi and i seriously have no idea about what is a Judo gi and what is the difference between my gi and the judo gi. I checked the web and it is bjj gi but why is this a BJJ gi?

    I tried to search about it online but couldn't get sufficient information about that so i think i should ask the question here.

    Please help me out and thanks in advance for your help

    I asked this some time ago. I was told that they are tailored differently (to different specifications). For example, the pant legs and sleeves are usually tapered in a BJJ gi, but straight in a judo gi. Likely because of different regulations of gripping.

    For a few years now, I have yet to find a well tailored BJJ gi, they all seem cheaply made. I've used several brands of judo gi that are well stitched and stay together, but no luck with BJJ gi. If someone has a recommendation, I'd like to hear it.
    john newman
    john newman

    Posts : 10
    Join date : 2020-01-15
    Age : 30
    Location : Socal

    BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi. What is the difference? Empty Re: BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi. What is the difference?

    Post by john newman Fri Jan 24, 2020 9:52 am

    davidn wrote:
    john newman wrote:Thank you very much for accepting me here. I really appreciate that.
    I am very new to training and I have a little confusion related to Gis

    Can you please help me out in choosing the right Gi for judo?

    What is the difference between Karate gi and other gis
    I bought a gi online and my couch said it is a BJJ gi and i seriously have no idea about what is a Judo gi and what is the difference between my gi and the judo gi. I checked the web and it is bjj gi but why is this a BJJ gi?

    I tried to search about it online but couldn't get sufficient information about that so i think i should ask the question here.

    Please help me out and thanks in advance for your help

    I asked this some time ago. I was told that they are tailored differently (to different specifications). For example, the pant legs and sleeves are usually tapered in a BJJ gi, but straight in a judo gi. Likely because of different regulations of gripping.

    For a few years now, I have yet to find a well tailored BJJ gi, they all seem cheaply made. I've used several brands of judo gi that are well stitched and stay together, but no luck with BJJ gi. If someone has a recommendation, I'd like to hear it.

    Well I bought this and it's really comfortable but I have no idea about how it will do with wear and tear so I can't speak on that until maybe next year haha. But it was pretty cheap compared to some of the others online so I plan on buying a new gi that's actually for Judo from the same site.
    Thank's for the advice on the difference between the two

    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2019-01-04
    Location : Toronto

    BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi. What is the difference? Empty Re: BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi. What is the difference?

    Post by drutgat Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:35 pm

    john newman wrote:Thank you very much for accepting me here. I really appreciate that.
    I am very new to training and I have a little confusion related to Gis

    Can you please help me out in choosing the right Gi for judo?

    What is the difference between Karate gi and other gis
    I bought a gi online and my couch said it is a BJJ gi and i seriously have no idea about what is a Judo gi and what is the difference between my gi and the judo gi. I checked the web and it is bjj gi but why is this a BJJ gi?

    I tried to search about it online but couldn't get sufficient information about that so i think i should ask the question here.

    Please help me out and thanks in advance for your help

    Hi John,
    I am reading this post, wondering what gi you ended up with, and what your experience of it has been.

    Just to answer your original question, for the benefit of others who may be new to Judo, and who may have come across this thread, regardless of cut/design, or material (which is generally cotton, or a cotton hybrid with another material), a Judo gi will be made to withstand much greater force in pulling than, for example, a Karate gi, or a gi from a martial art similar to Karate in which each of the participants are sometimes/often using the gi as a means as of pulling or manipulating the partial or whole whole weight of their opponent.

    It is, therefore, always best to look for a gi which is specifically described as having been made for the purpose of training in Judo.

    The bottom of the line Fuji gis are excellent in terms of value for money because they are very tough.

    Posts : 188
    Join date : 2013-01-11
    Location : Europe

    BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi. What is the difference? Empty Re: BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi. What is the difference?

    Post by sodo Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:39 am

    as has already been mentioned, the cut of a BJJ gi will be cut differently, (tighter) than a Judo Gi, and in the future you may not be allowed on the mat at competitions and gradings because it does not conform to the regulations.

    Just get yourself a cheap white judo gi for training, I would not worry about durability at this stage (unless you bought a karate gi, which are a lot lighter :-) ): you will not be training that hard, once you get more experienced and start entering competitions you may decide to buy a professional judo competion gi ( or two, as you will need one in blue aswell) because they are stronger, lighter and more comfortable.

    I have literally had a good jacket ripped through in competition, do not underestimate the forces at work.



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    BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi. What is the difference? Empty Re: BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi. What is the difference?

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