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    Ijf judo brand logo


    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2020-03-11

    Ijf judo brand logo Empty Ijf judo brand logo

    Post by judok Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:22 pm

    Hi everyone!!

    Could you tell me why adidas and ippon gear have their logo on the sholder part of their IJF judogi?

    It is allowed? I ask you because the guidance of the judogi of IJF(from 1 March 2017) say only one logo 5.5cmx5.5xcm(30 cm2 ) is allowed for judogi(jacket).

    Thank you very much for your help:)
    Ijf judo brand logo Lukas_10

    Posts : 507
    Join date : 2013-01-11
    Location : Finland

    Ijf judo brand logo Empty Re: Ijf judo brand logo

    Post by finarashi Sat Mar 21, 2020 12:36 am

    Hope you find IJF "Guidance to Judogi control" i try to post the link in the end.

    IJF deems that four different items can appear in Judogi
    1. IJF labels (mandatory on gi) several possible positions on trousers / jacket / belt
    2. national emblem (only on judogi jacket left size chest level)
    3. manufactures logos
    - 3 possible positions on judogi jacket (only one allowed)
    - 8 possible positions on judogi trousers (only one allowed)
    - either end of belt (only one allowed)
    4. Advertising on the back number resereved
    5. Advertising on the shoulder area of judogi jacket
    - 4 possible positions on the judogi jacket shoulder area.

    Yes the mark of the manufacturer is small and only at prescribed locations. But the gi manufacture can advertise at shoulder areas if agreed with the federation/individual. So the it is advertisement not manufacturers logos you see in the picture attached.

    IJF guidance Judogu

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2020-03-11

    Ijf judo brand logo Empty Re: Ijf judo brand logo

    Post by judok Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:54 pm

    Thank you very much for your reply finarashi san!
    Now i can understand very well because of your explanation:)

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