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    Forum rules and regulations


    Posts : 537
    Join date : 2012-12-31

    Forum rules and regulations Empty Forum rules and regulations

    Post by Hanon Sun Feb 10, 2013 3:13 am

    I think it very important this forum has its rules available to all posters so we know what they are.

    Posts : 554
    Join date : 2013-01-17
    Location : your worst nightmares

    Forum rules and regulations Empty Re: Forum rules and regulations

    Post by Stacey Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:48 am

    We are working on a set. Then, we'll probably submit them to the group for comment. Then, we'll probably "fix" the rules based on the group dynamics or something. Then we'll publish them as official rules, though with the idea that none of us can anticipate every problem that comes along, so we can and will modify as needed (add rules, subtract rules, re-write rules, etc).

    Posts : 537
    Join date : 2012-12-31

    Forum rules and regulations Empty Re: Forum rules and regulations

    Post by Hanon Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:16 am

    Stacey wrote:We are working on a set. Then, we'll probably submit them to the group for comment. Then, we'll probably "fix" the rules based on the group dynamics or something. Then we'll publish them as official rules, though with the idea that none of us can anticipate every problem that comes along, so we can and will modify as needed (add rules, subtract rules, re-write rules, etc).
    Hi Stacey,
    Thanks for the reply. The old forum rules where fine why not adopt them or adapt them for use here? At least they could be used as a base. Remember the old forum ran for years so the rules will have a awful lot of learned experience already written into them as they have been revised over time.
    Can you ask an admin with boffin power to see what can be done about paragraphs please. May I add I am very pleased, very pleased indeed to see you as an admin here. I have often found you the voice of reason and justice and would trust my future in your hands.
    Big hug,

    Posts : 554
    Join date : 2013-01-17
    Location : your worst nightmares

    Forum rules and regulations Empty Re: Forum rules and regulations

    Post by Stacey Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:35 am

    Hanon wrote:
    Stacey wrote:We are working on a set. Then, we'll probably submit them to the group for comment. Then, we'll probably "fix" the rules based on the group dynamics or something. Then we'll publish them as official rules, though with the idea that none of us can anticipate every problem that comes along, so we can and will modify as needed (add rules, subtract rules, re-write rules, etc).
    Hi Stacey,
    Thanks for the reply. The old forum rules where fine why not adopt them or adapt them for use here? At least they could be used as a base. Remember the old forum ran for years so the rules will have a awful lot of learned experience already written into them as they have been revised over time.
    Can you ask an admin with boffin power to see what can be done about paragraphs please. May I add I am very pleased, very pleased indeed to see you as an admin here. I have often found you the voice of reason and justice and would trust my future in your hands.
    Big hug,

    Already shot him a message, but he's in a very different time zone. We are pretty scattered in terms of time zone, which is good - less will go on without attention.

    I'm trying a "double return" to see if that gives me the white space that makes reading easier to see if that approach works better. You'll know if you see what you're used to in terms of paragraphs.

    We really aren't trying to re-invent the wheel. But, with all new things, we need time to break things in, talk about concepts that work/don't work in other forums, etc. Trying to make things easy and practical without becoming something of a sledgehammer, but yes, we're using/modifying rules from other venues as a starting point Wink

    And, you do know there's professional help available for people who trust a lawyer as a "voice of reason", don't you? Thanks for the endorsement - it does mean a lot.

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