Got this yesterday.
'The USJA President will be have a joint meeting tonight with the USJF regarding the standard mat area that will be allowed for local and regional events. Included in the discussion will be Mr. Fukuda. hopefully their will be an agreement that will come of this meeting that will allow a safety zone of three meters to be used in local and regional events. what ever comes of this meeting will then be discussed with USA Judo as well.
As we all know there have been significant changes to the rules which include safety areas being extended. If there is no flexibility with the safety areas it will effect local and regional events where the venue is not big enough for the new requirement. The number of mats needed to run these events will also increase causing many smaller events to discontinue. This will hamper the progression of judo rather then furthering it. These are the concerns of coaches, students and organization leaders on the grass ruts level.
John Paccione
USJA Vice Chairmen
Regional coordinators
'The USJA President will be have a joint meeting tonight with the USJF regarding the standard mat area that will be allowed for local and regional events. Included in the discussion will be Mr. Fukuda. hopefully their will be an agreement that will come of this meeting that will allow a safety zone of three meters to be used in local and regional events. what ever comes of this meeting will then be discussed with USA Judo as well.
As we all know there have been significant changes to the rules which include safety areas being extended. If there is no flexibility with the safety areas it will effect local and regional events where the venue is not big enough for the new requirement. The number of mats needed to run these events will also increase causing many smaller events to discontinue. This will hamper the progression of judo rather then furthering it. These are the concerns of coaches, students and organization leaders on the grass ruts level.
John Paccione
USJA Vice Chairmen
Regional coordinators