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    Lance Gatling - Nihon Jutsu - 4 May 2013


    Posts : 806
    Join date : 2012-12-28
    Location : Vista, California

    Lance Gatling - Nihon Jutsu - 4 May 2013 Empty Lance Gatling - Nihon Jutsu - 4 May 2013

    Post by BillC Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:43 am

    What: Nihon Jujutsu Introduction http://nihonjujutsu.com/ Nihon Jujutsu introduction and practical seminar, including taisabaki, basic grips, and practice of Kihon Kata I

    When: 0900-1200, Sat, May 4

    Where: SanShi Dojo San Shi Dojo http://sanshijudo.org/Contact.html
    150 Cedar Road, Vista, CA 92083

    Who: Lance Gatling
    Living in Tokyo, Japan for 27 years
    Nihon Jujutsu Renshi 4dan / Licensed Instructor, International Martial Arts Federation (IMAF) www.imaf.com
    Judo 3dan, Kodokan Judo Institute
    Jodo 3dan, All Japan Kendo Federation
    Member, Japanese Academy of Martial Arts http://www.budo.ac/index_En.html

    Lance Gatling was a direct student of Sato Shizuya sensei, the founder and 10dan Nihon Jujutsu, Director, International Martial Arts Federation, for over 20 years. Sato sensei taught judo and jujutsu at the Kodokan from 1946, and at the US Embassy Dojo from 1957-2011.

    Lance is still active as a senior student at the US Embassy Dojo, Tokyo, Japan, in Nihon Jujutsu, as well as practicing judo at the Nihon Budokan and the Kodokan.

    He is the only foreign member of the Judo Division of the Japanese Academy of Martial Arts, and is one of its lead martial arts historians.

    Note: This is a judo goshinjutsu practice, only current judo insurance card holders may attend. But don't let that stop you, you can sign up at the door ...

      Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 6:31 pm