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    cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level


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    cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level Empty cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level

    Post by Ricebale Mon May 20, 2013 6:42 am


    Good use of Judo controls by Thiago who is a Judo black belt. The over hook control made his counters availible imo.

    Good contrasting of takedown styles

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    cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level Empty Re: cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level

    Post by Glorfindel Mon May 20, 2013 8:18 am

    Yup, that was nice

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    cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level Empty Re: cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level

    Post by seatea Mon May 20, 2013 5:39 pm

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    cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level Empty Re: cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level

    Post by finarashi Mon May 20, 2013 7:45 pm

    seatea wrote:*clicks link*

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    cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level Empty Re: cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level

    Post by PointyShinyBurning Mon May 20, 2013 8:23 pm

    They both threw off the over-hook, mind you, and Thiago got on top in the second round by shucking off a front head lock.

    Maybe it's a freestyle/folkstyle thing, but the wrestling I've been taught makes heavy use of the whizzer to counter and defend.
    Q mystic
    Q mystic

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    cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level Empty Re: cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level

    Post by Q mystic Thu May 23, 2013 9:05 am

    PointyShinyBurning wrote:They both threw off the over-hook, mind you, and Thiago got on top in the second round by shucking off a front head lock.

    Maybe it's a freestyle/folkstyle thing, but the wrestling I've been taught makes heavy use of the whizzer to counter and defend.

    Not a fan of Thiagos OH here but doesnt the whizzer get cheaper the more upright we stand? Not entirely sure what a whizzer is tho.Smile

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    cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level Empty Re: cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level

    Post by Ricebale Thu May 23, 2013 6:02 pm

    The whizzer is used mostly as a defensive grip in wrestling but in judo it is the key offensive grip for no gi, that is what makes the judo v wrestling positioning cool to watch imo.

    The overhook with the chest control on the overhook arm stuffs a lot of wrestling and striking moves, in the transition to fighting I observe some judoka pick it up quick others never get it. The former do well at judo in mma whilst the later I observe get taken down with ease by mediocre wrestling.

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    cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level Empty Re: cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level

    Post by Ricebale Thu May 23, 2013 7:52 pm

    Q mystic wrote:
    PointyShinyBurning wrote:They both threw off the over-hook, mind you, and Thiago got on top in the second round by shucking off a front head lock.

    Maybe it's a freestyle/folkstyle thing, but the wrestling I've been taught makes heavy use of the whizzer to counter and defend.

    Not a fan of Thiagos OH here but doesnt the whizzer get cheaper the more upright we stand? Not entirely sure what a whizzer is tho.Smile

    Thiago is using the overhook to make him stand tall thereby enabling the use of judo. In wrestling you pressure down on the shoulder with the whizzer to make their forehead touch the mat etc. In general terms of course.
    Q mystic
    Q mystic

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    cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level Empty Re: cool Judo v Wrestling at ufc level

    Post by Q mystic Sat May 25, 2013 11:45 am

    Ricebale wrote:
    Q mystic wrote:
    PointyShinyBurning wrote:They both threw off the over-hook, mind you, and Thiago got on top in the second round by shucking off a front head lock.

    Maybe it's a freestyle/folkstyle thing, but the wrestling I've been taught makes heavy use of the whizzer to counter and defend.

    Not a fan of Thiagos OH here but doesnt the whizzer get cheaper the more upright we stand? Not entirely sure what a whizzer is tho.Smile

    Thiago is using the overhook to make him stand tall thereby enabling the use of judo. In wrestling you pressure down on the shoulder with the whizzer to make their forehead touch the mat etc. In general terms of course.

    Kudos and thanks Rice. That's what I was thinking tho that Thiago should have done. I didn't see why he was holding it so strongly. I would have thought he would figure, while he was against the fence, that he should have attempted to make space by using that OH to go under and press the lower belly to make hip room and slide out. But he's heavy and heavy there with fellas pressure and and I suppose easier said than done. He seemed to be forced up vs the fence pretty ruff.

    Tho, I did see him attempt a cheese throw with that same OH later and if he knew even enuff to confidently try this(even tho it failed massive, it's clear he has done similar enuff) for the hell of it then why didn't he constantly reap/hold up fellas leg while they were 'solid' against the fence? If his OH looked as strong as it did to me, he should have opted one leg each there especially with his arm over and same leg under. I've watched that alot of times from judoka and its never had a fail, that I can recall anyway. It would annul aggression points in the least vs the initial fence oppressor and they wont drop effectively on one leg to score and sometimes some judoka have come out pretty good.

    I would have opted for a 'good use of greco roman control' by Thiago, thread title. Laughing

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