by Tai-Jutsu Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:19 am
^^^ Thank you very much for your response.
Thats what I though about having to be easy about when people enter and leave class and to be flexable as to attendence and exper. levels, with both Lunch and AM classes.
And I am totaly fine with that durring the day.
I have 2 guys that have no choice to come late to our eve. classes. I'd rather they come train than pull some Kung Fu Temlple stuff and have to wait at the edge of the mats. (Because in the USA they just go home and you don't see them again after a time or 3 of that.)
If your going to do this as a way or the way to put food on the table, clothes on your kids and a roof over everyone's heads, I figure you have to actually work and not just think that your going to rake in the money with a few weeknight classes and a Saturday AM.
I figure weekday AM and unch classes might get people to Saturday's class. 1 time a week is not enough, so they dont join but 1-2 AM and 1-2 Lunch classes a week (not to mention privates and SD classes) and they just might join up. Offer a free week and get them in and let the instruction and art do the rest.
I am looking forward to hopefully do it soon. I have a meeting that will help determine that. :-)
A former JF memebr runs a first class pro Dojo and hour south of me, his dojo seems to be good and strong and true to all the stuff the people on this forum say they feel is Judo and he's got other offerings. He aint doing babysitting.