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    judo joint ventures-lessons learned

    forgeron judo
    forgeron judo

    Posts : 86
    Join date : 2013-01-02
    Age : 83
    Location : Toronto ontario

    judo joint ventures-lessons learned Empty judo joint ventures-lessons learned

    Post by forgeron judo Thu Oct 03, 2013 7:51 am

    Most of us have trained for months and years and made a lot of progress because we devoted the time and endured thousands of repetitions. We were able to develop personalized routines or specific patterns that have grown into natural reflexes and became parts of our combat arsenal.
    In a recent discussion with students about the comprehension of some bio-mechanic systems used in judo, we attempted to discern the useful characteristics of various joints for maintaining our mobility and securing the right advantages. Our review brought us to the lessons offered by different kata. Hereunder is a resume of the most pertinent observations.
    The Nage no kata introduces us to proper posturing and balance, the forms of Shintai or effective displacement, the turning power of the trunk, the different levers engaged in making the Kuzushi and the necessity to have an ideal and sequential coordination between different limbs to produce an effective throwing technique.
    The regular Katame no kata exposes the vulnerability of the prone position, the efficiency of short range levers and weight distribution, the gravitational differences, the effectiveness of elongation and the strength in grouping of limbs. The vulnerability of the neck region is emphasized with the various strangulations modes. The shoulder and elbow joints show their vulnerability whenever we perform the kansetsu-waza or arm bars: ude garami, ude hishigi juji gatame, ude hishigi ude gatame, ude hishigi hiza gatame, and ashi- garami.
    Meanwhile, the Kime no kata, offers us a chance to distinguish between the power of a waki-gatame, the clout of a mune-gatame, and the supremacy of a hara- gatame. We get to practice the bifurcation of upper limbs to eradicate a threat. The precision of delivering a correct strike to the plexus or to the eyes emphasize the need to understand our vulnerability and the need for managing distances. All those techniques are part of our arsenal of powerful weapons to exercise control over an opponent’s joints.
    Similarly, in the Goshin Jutsu no kata, we can appreciate the efficiency of the additional use of wrist twisting such as kote gaeshi and kote-hineri while perfecting ways to exercise continual pressure at the shoulder, wrist and elbow levels. We take care to elevate and twist the threatening legs or fist in our quest for security.
    In the Ju no kata, we rise to understand the efficiency of levers as we practice the extension and rotation of body segments through perfecting the Kuzushi. We gain control over an opponent by measuring distances and angles while still maintaining our own balance.
    In the Koshiki no kata we can visualize the little efforts needed to displace larger/heavier opponents while perfecting the use of levers and circular movements. We have to take note of the sensibility and fragility of the upper limb when we are asked to execute Shikoro- gaeshi or the head twist. We master the braking of falls (ukemi) in order to protect our spine and head and lower limbs.
    Finally, in the Itsutsu no kata we seek to understand the larger principles of judo by recognizing the different types of power produced by the moving body either as a single entity or as part of a continuum and harmonious engagement between two beings. This is an immense battle with an opponent where both players will win the dignity and respect for having displayed their best use of energy.
    Maybe some of the members on this forum have had similar experience. Looking forward to share.

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