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    Funny coach bios

    Creamy creamy baileys
    Creamy creamy baileys

    Posts : 114
    Join date : 2012-12-29
    Location : Dark side of the moon

    Funny coach bios Empty Funny coach bios

    Post by Creamy creamy baileys Sun Jan 13, 2013 4:18 am

    Recently, my wife and I have been talking about taking a sabbatical (you know, before we get "old and dead", aka 40).

    I really enjoyed New Zealand when I was there last year, so it's a front runner.

    Predictably...my wife is checking for houses and other dreary things...while I've been checking out the important stuff. Like judo clubs.

    Anyway, just wanted to share some of the amusing bio's I read for Auckland Uni. Stuff like this makes me want to check out your club - and I'm not the only one, I'd bet.


    Tim’s area of specialty is stand up Judo and he has four master class ( dai sensai shihan kanjo - 1st Order of Judo Mastery for Prodigious Study and Most Empowering Efforts) level techniques:
    • Tai otoshi - body drop throw.

    • Kiai - a loud shout made by a player to take advantage of the fact that their opponent has tripped over or slipped, the shout is designed to convince the referee that the opponent fell because of something the shouter had done rather than because their own clumsiness.

    • The pistol grip - While currently illegal this grip was legal last century when Tim was at his prime and he is a master of this devilish ‘Euro – Judo’ technique.

    • Lying on the ground and crying for mummy while Rob teaches him about ground fighting - While seldom enticed to the ground for real Judo, Tim has learnt a range of useful techniques to deal with the unpleasantness of ground fighting generally relying on crying for Mummy, looking at the referee imploringly and scuttling for the sideline as quickly as possible.

    In summary, Tim is an asset to the University Judo Club. Amongst a nest of Kosen Judo trained masochists who revel in the grim reality of ground fighting he is a ‘little ray of sunshine’ dancing gracefully across the mat using his tai otoshi to defeat opponents steadfastly avoiding ground fighting. Rather than ‘ground and pound’ he is ‘Dancing with the Stars’ and which provides balance within the club and complements the other instructor’s areas of expertise.

    Got anything funny on your club bio's page? We don't (well, apart from my ugly head, but that's more tragi-comic then ha ha).

    Last edited by Creamy creamy baileys on Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:06 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo)

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