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    Coach not grading fairly??


    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2015-07-11

    Coach not grading fairly?? Empty Coach not grading fairly??

    Post by spiderdom1985 Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:04 pm

    hi me and my training partner are orange belts and have been for 18 months.we train 3 times a week as well as extra training in a dojo in a ymca on our own.we enter at least 3-4 comps a year and consistently medal yet our coach finds excuses not to grade us to green.hes graded other people in the club to brown who are not worthy (stiff arming,dont know the Japanese names for techniques,limited knowledge of judo) and even graded juniors up to certain belts on the way to a comp so they could fight.yet he is reluctant to grade us for some reason.the other coaches I train with in the other clubs we  attend feel we should have graded and would grade us but they don't want to upset our coach at our first club.we are by no means belt chasers but when we see higher grades who do not have the knowledge that we have ,it gets a bit demoralising.what are your thoughts on this.

    ps, before any one starts giving  comments about not knowing anything as an orange belt  iv studied goshin jujitsu for nearly 4-5 years and judo for 3 so im not completely clueless lol Embarassed

    Posts : 121
    Join date : 2013-01-16

    Coach not grading fairly?? Empty Re: Coach not grading fairly??

    Post by Fritz Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:00 am

    What was the answer of the coach after asking him about grading (requirements, his attitude, personal meaning etc pp)?

    Posts : 6
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    Coach not grading fairly?? Empty Re: Coach not grading fairly??

    Post by spiderdom1985 Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:40 am

    no reason, he just either ignores the question or just says after a certain comp and then still nothing

    Posts : 330
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    Age : 59
    Location : Wales, UK

    Coach not grading fairly?? Empty Re: Coach not grading fairly??

    Post by tafftaz Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:32 am

    18 months does seem a long time to stay at orange belt. What country are you from? I know that different countries and regions sometimes have vastly differing grading criteria.
    On a side note, I have had 2nd dan goshin practicioners start judo and they were the worst stiff armers ever. Goshin jutsu certainly did not help their randori practise at all.

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    Join date : 2015-07-11

    Coach not grading fairly?? Empty Re: Coach not grading fairly??

    Post by spiderdom1985 Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:03 am

    im from wales, I said about the jujitsu as i have experience in most of the techniques that are in judo.im already past the stiff arm phase lol

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    Coach not grading fairly?? Empty Re: Coach not grading fairly??

    Post by tafftaz Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:06 am

    Not from Swansea by any chance?

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    Coach not grading fairly?? Empty Re: Coach not grading fairly??

    Post by spiderdom1985 Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:18 am

    port Talbot,

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    Age : 59
    Location : Wales, UK

    Coach not grading fairly?? Empty Re: Coach not grading fairly??

    Post by tafftaz Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:29 am

    Do you train goshin in Port Talbot also? A friend of mine teaches it in Swansea. Took over Billy Doaks class after he passed away.
    If you feel like a visit you are welcome to come along to our club for a session. Website in my profile.

    Posts : 276
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    Coach not grading fairly?? Empty Re: Coach not grading fairly??

    Post by medo Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:34 pm

    tafftaz wrote:
    On a side note, I have had 2nd dan goshin practicioners start judo and they were the worst stiff armers ever. Goshin jutsu certainly did not help their randori practise at all.
    I remember a dan grade goshin jutsu coming to our club when I was in my thirties he was just how you describe, screamed like a baby when he went over the top, seemed to think he was winning if he was not thrown, came and went, learnt nothing..

    Posts : 6
    Join date : 2015-07-11

    Coach not grading fairly?? Empty Re: Coach not grading fairly??

    Post by spiderdom1985 Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:22 pm

    hi taff tazz ,I haven't done jujitsu for a couple of years but I was training under barry, and billy , you run imperial do you ,iv been meaning to come there for the last couple of weeks but my knee has been playing up.( I may have messaged u on facebook or someone from your club).

    Posts : 330
    Join date : 2012-12-31
    Age : 59
    Location : Wales, UK

    Coach not grading fairly?? Empty Re: Coach not grading fairly??

    Post by tafftaz Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:13 am

    It would have been me or my son u messaged. I get so many asking to come along I lose track. Clive Tilbury is taking some of Billys classes in Swansea now. Got one of Billys/Clives students training with us at moment. He mostly trains judo now.

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