by Q mystic Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:29 pm
I saw UFC 1, on VHS tape, about 40x before UFC 2 happened and then saw all from on out; with considerable difficulty, but I managed it..
I dropped outta judo in '90 to join boxing, right about when I was peaking. The 'fighting' deal and that my friends were boxers. Was too drunk to go to a comp club but did the local with comp buddies. Told them, 'man, I am pretty sure I would smoke you guys in a fight'. It was laffed at but my turning again did create issues. They were good friends tho. Not a year after my spilling the beans, Gracie eliminated the boxing concept from fighting. Coming from a hockey/wrestling town for irony.
Last edited by Q mystic on Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:08 am; edited 1 time in total