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    IJF Rules for 2014


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    IJF Rules for 2014 Empty IJF Rules for 2014

    Post by Jonesy Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:45 pm

    IJF RULES AS OF 01 JAN 2014

    REFEREE RULES: 2014- 2016

    Referee and judges
    Three referees of different nationalities to the two competing athletes will referee each contest.
    One referee on the mat with a radio communication system is connected to the two referees on the table of the mat who will assist with a video CARE system.
    A rotation system will be implemented for the referees to ensure neutrality.

    The IJF Jury will interfere only when there is a mistake that needs to be rectified. The intervention and any change to the decisions of the referees by the IJF Jury will be made only in exceptional
    circumstances. The IJF Jury will interfere only when they consider it to be necessary.

    IJF Jury, like referees, must be of different nationalities to the athletes on the mat.
    There is no appeal process for coaches, but they can approach the IJF Jury table to watch the reason for the change to the final decision.
    There must be an education system to improve the level and consistency of the referees.
    Seminars with referees and coaches all together will be organized.

    Technical assessment
    to give more value and to take into account only the techniques with a real impact on the ground on the back. When the fall is rolled without real impact, it is not possible to consider it Ippon. This point is very important and it must be consistent during the whole Olympic qualification period.

    Article 24 a)
    When a contestant throws his opponent, with control, and the opponent falls on the side of the upper body it should be Yuko.

    Landing in the bridge position
    All situations of landing in the bridge position will be considered Ippon. This decision is taken for the safety of the competitors so they do not try to escape from the technique and endanger their cervical spine.

    During the fight there will be three Shidos, and the fourth will be Hansoku-make (3 warnings and then disqualification). Shidos do not give points to the other fighter, only technical scores can give points on the scoreboard. At the end of the fight, if scoring is equal on the scoreboard, the one with less Shidos wins. If the fight continues to Golden Score, the first receiving a Shido loses, or the first technical score will win.

    Shido will be given to the fighter deserving it, in place, without having both fighters return to the formal start position (Matte – Shido – Hajime) except when a Shido is given for leaving the contest area.

    Penalized with Shido:
    Breaking the grip of the opponent with 2 hands.
    Cover the edge of the Judogi jacket to prevent the grip.
    Cross gripping should be followed by an immediate attack. Same rule as for belt gripping and one side gripping.
    The referees should penalize strictly the contestant who does not engage in a quick Kumikata or who tries not to be gripped by the opponent. If one of the contestants breaks the Kumikata twice in the gripping period then the third time they will receive a Shido.
    Pistol and Pocket Grip on the bottom of the sleeve without immediate attack is penalized by Shido
    To hug the opponent for a throw (Bear hug). It is not a Shido when the competitor has Kumikata with a minimum of one hand.
    To force the opponent with either one or both arms to take a bending position without immediate attack will be penalized by Shido for a blocking attitude.
    To take the wrist or the hands of the opponent only to avoid the grip or the attack on him should be penalized by Shido.

    False attack is penalized by Shido. False attacks are defined as:
    Tori has no intention of throwing.
    Tori attacks without Kumikata or immediately releases the Kumikata.
    Tori makes a single attack or a number of repeated attacks with no breaking of Uke’s balance.
    Tori puts a leg in between Uke’s legs to block the possibility of an attack.
    One foot outside of the contest area without immediate attack or not returning immediately inside the contest area is penalized by Shido. Two feet outside the contest area is penalized by Shido. If the competitor is pushed outside the contest area by his opponent, then the opponent will receive the Shido.
    (If the fighters leave the contest area, they are not penalized by Shido when the attack is engaged in a valid position)

    Penalized with Hansoku-make
    All attacks or blocking with one or two hands or with one or two arms below the belt in Tachi-Waza will be penalized by Hansoku-make. It is possible to grip the leg only when the two opponents are in a clear Newaza position and the Tachi-Waza action has stopped.

    Osaekomi, Kansetsu-Waza and Shime-Waza
    Osaekomi will also continue outside of the contest area as long as Osaekomi was called inside.
    Osaekomi scores 10 seconds for Yuko, 15 seconds for Waza-ari, and 20 seconds for Ippon.

    Osaekomi outside the contest area if the throwing action is finished outside the competition area and immediately one of the players applies Osaekomi, Shime-Waza or Kansetsu-Waza, this technique shall be valid. If during the Ne-Waza Uke, takes over the control with one of these nominated techniques in a continuous succession, it shall also be valid.
    The Kansetsu-Waza and Shime-Waza initiated inside the contest area and recognized as being effective to the opponent, can be maintained even if the contestants are outside the contest area.

    Article 26: Osaekomi
    The contestant applying Osaekomi must have his body in Kesa, Shiho or Ura position, i.e. similar to the techniques Kesa-Gatame, Kami-Shiho-Gatame or Ura-Gatame.
    The Ura position is now valid.

    Article 27
    Points 14 and 18 will be strictly observed for Shime-Waza is not allowed with either your own or your opponents belt or bottom of the jacket, or using only the fingers.

    Cadets – U 18
    Kansetsu-Waza is authorized for Cadets.
    If a cadet loses consciousness during Shime-Waza they are no longer able to continue in the competition.
    The Sport Commission is looking at the system of competition for Cadets.
    Double Repechage or another system will be applied to have the possibility of more contests for athletes in this age category.

    The bow
    When entering the tatami area, fighters should walk to the entrance of the contest area at the same time and bow to each other into the contest area.
    The contestants must not shake hands BEFORE the start of the contest.
    When the athletes are leaving the mat they must be wearing their judogi in the proper way and must not remove any part of the judogi or the belt before leaving the FOP (Field Of Play).

    Duration of Contests
    No time limit for Golden Score (Hantei is cancelled).

    Contest times will be:
    Seniors men: five minutes
    Seniors women: four minutes
    Juniors and Cadets: no change

    The official weigh-in for seniors and juniors will be organized the day before the competition.
    Random weight checks with the same rules as the official weigh-in can be organized before the first fights in the morning of the competition. The weight of the athlete cannot be more than 5% higher (without judogi) than the official maximum weight limit of the category. i.e. a - 100kg competitor can weigh a maximum of 105kg without judogi.
    (This may be revised before the start of the Olympic qualification period – 30th May 2014).

    The weigh-in for Cadets will take place in the morning on the same day of the competition.
    For team competitions the weigh-in is organized one day before the competition. For those competitors that have NOT competed in the individual competitions, weight must be within the weight limit of the category. Those competitors that have competed in the individual competition will be permitted a 2kg tolerance.

    Doping infringement
    In the case of a disqualification for a doping infringement the athlete will lose their classification and medal. Wherever possible a new classification will be decided by the IJF.

    A system for more accurate measurement of judogi is in progress.

    World Ranking List for Referees
    There will be three different classification levels of referees (approximately 20 per group) that will be regularly updated. The WRL for referees will start after the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2013 and will be published on the IJF website.
    The refereeing official language is English. However, French and Spanish (official IJF languages) could be used in certain circumstance to be defined by IJF.

    World Ranking List for Cadets and Juniors
    The WRL for Cadets and Juniors categories will start on 1st January 2014 and will be used for seeding in IJF Cadets and Juniors World Tour.
    In the next Cadet World Championships 2015 there will be also Team World Championships.

    The IJF is organizing three international Refereeing and Coaching Seminars – Europe (Malaga, 10-11 January 2014), Asia (Abu Dhabi, 24-25 January 2014) and Pan America (Miami 17-18 January 2014) in order to explain and clarify the new rules. The IJF will invite 1 referee and 1 national coach from each nation (accommodation and meals cover). Travel fees are to be covered by the delegates. Additional delegates can attend at own costs.

    Posts : 276
    Join date : 2012-12-31

    IJF Rules for 2014 Empty Re: IJF Rules for 2014

    Post by medo Sun Nov 24, 2013 8:48 am

    Article 26: Osaekomi
    The contestant applying Osaekomi must have his body in Kesa, Shiho or Ura position, i.e. similar to the techniques Kesa-Gatame, Kami-Shiho-Gatame or Ura-Gatame.
    The Ura position is now valid.

    Nice to see the Ura position back in having to tell a pupil that his upside down yokoshio was not a valid hold down was stupid.
    Now you can play with mifune's crucifix!! great fun. Very Happy 
    still learning

    Posts : 125
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    Age : 55
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    IJF Rules for 2014 Empty Re: IJF Rules for 2014

    Post by still learning Mon Nov 25, 2013 12:07 am

    medo wrote:Article 26: Osaekomi
    The contestant applying Osaekomi must have his body in Kesa, Shiho or Ura position, i.e. similar to the techniques Kesa-Gatame, Kami-Shiho-Gatame or Ura-Gatame.
    The Ura position is now valid.

    Nice to see the Ura position back in having to tell a pupil that his upside down yokoshio was not a valid hold down was stupid.
    Now you can play with mifune's crucifix!! great fun. Very Happy 
    One of my friends did this hold in competetion a few years back to be told by the referee it wasn't a valid technique, to which he simply replied well tell him (uke) to get up then. The referee didn't change his mind. Glad to see this revision.

    Posts : 53
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    IJF Rules for 2014 Empty Re: IJF Rules for 2014

    Post by davidn Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:07 pm

    Jonesy wrote:
    Article 27
    Points 14 and 18 will be strictly observed for Shime-Waza is not allowed with either your own or your opponents belt or bottom of the jacket, or using only the fingers.
    I guess they changed their mind?

    Posts : 171
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    Location : California

    IJF Rules for 2014 Empty Re: IJF Rules for 2014

    Post by JudoSensei Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:10 pm

    still learning wrote:
    medo wrote:Article 26: Osaekomi
    The contestant applying Osaekomi must have his body in Kesa, Shiho or Ura position, i.e. similar to the techniques Kesa-Gatame, Kami-Shiho-Gatame or Ura-Gatame.
    The Ura position is now valid.

    Nice to see the Ura position back in having to tell a pupil that his upside down yokoshio was not a valid hold down was stupid.
    Now you can play with mifune's crucifix!! great fun. Very Happy 
    One of my friends did this hold in competetion a few years back to be told by the referee it wasn't a valid technique, to which he simply replied well tell him (uke) to get up then. The referee didn't change his mind. Glad to see this revision.
    I agree it is a nice change. It never should have been removed as a valid pin to begin with. Maybe there is hope for some nagewaza with leg grabs in the future.
    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

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    IJF Rules for 2014 Empty Re: IJF Rules for 2014

    Post by Cichorei Kano Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:51 pm

    JudoSensei wrote:
    still learning wrote:
    medo wrote:Article 26: Osaekomi
    The contestant applying Osaekomi must have his body in Kesa, Shiho or Ura position, i.e. similar to the techniques Kesa-Gatame, Kami-Shiho-Gatame or Ura-Gatame.
    The Ura position is now valid.

    Nice to see the Ura position back in having to tell a pupil that his upside down yokoshio was not a valid hold down was stupid.
    Now you can play with mifune's crucifix!! great fun. Very Happy 
    One of my friends did this hold in competetion a few years back to be told by the referee it wasn't a valid technique, to which he simply replied well tell him (uke) to get up then. The referee didn't change his mind. Glad to see this revision.
    I agree it is a nice change. It never should have been removed as a valid pin to begin with. Maybe there is hope for some nagewaza with leg grabs in the future.
    But a question is what the IJF considers as ura-gatame.

    I suppose they don't have the following in mind but rather control with the back side:


    Posts : 53
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    Age : 53
    Location : northern CA

    IJF Rules for 2014 Empty Re: IJF Rules for 2014

    Post by davidn Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:56 am


    What is purpose of women's match time being reduced to four minutes?
    still learning

    Posts : 125
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    Age : 55
    Location : South Wales UK

    IJF Rules for 2014 Empty Re: IJF Rules for 2014

    Post by still learning Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:01 am

    These rules were discussed with a senior referee this weekend and the biggest area for concern was:

    Shido will be given to the fighter deserving it, in place,without having both fighters return to the formal start position (Matte –Shido –Hajime) except when a Shido is given for leaving the contest area.

    Scenario, judoka takes a pistol grip and gets a shido, then promptly throws his partner for ippon without changing the grip. There was not a defined answer. Logic says that the throw should not count but when did IJF rules follow logic.

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    IJF Rules for 2014 Empty Re: IJF Rules for 2014

    Post by lemonadekoki Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:49 pm


    Im a refery form Sweden. I have a question and I hope that some one can help me.

    In article 25 abute Hansoku-make 11 (p41) in the rules 2014-2016 it says "To wear a hard or metallic object (covered or not)".
    If I understand it right if one judoka has forgot to take of his/her earing I moust give him/her Hansoku-make. Is that right? is it only on international level or will it be on every level?

    thanks for answer
    Robin J Lemón

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