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    Good News for a Good Neighbor


    Posts : 157
    Join date : 2012-12-30
    Age : 83

    Good News for a Good Neighbor Empty Good News for a Good Neighbor

    Post by afja_lm139 Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:28 am

    Well, our neighbor in Cutler Ridge, Florida for 24 years had sons and daughters who had sons and daughters.  We have always been close to them so when they had bad news we felt it as well.  The oldest son, Rick, was a great baseball pitcher, that I used to catch for, went off to the Atlanta Braves for while until he screw up his shoulder, the story goes on.  He had a son who went into the Army from College and fought in middle east wars.  He killed some rag-head terrorist and the Army court marshaled him, put him in the brig for 25 years.  Here is the final act to his story; GOOD NEWS!!!!!! ]http://moonbattery.com/?p=42326

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 06, 2024 12:37 am