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    courage as a virtue to be develop in judo activities and used both on the tami and outside.

    forgeron judo
    forgeron judo

    Posts : 86
    Join date : 2013-01-02
    Age : 83
    Location : Toronto ontario

    courage as a virtue to be develop in judo activities and used both on the tami and outside. Empty courage as a virtue to be develop in judo activities and used both on the tami and outside.

    Post by forgeron judo Sat Jul 19, 2014 5:20 am

    It is often said that courage is the expression of our ability and willingness to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. We frequently distinguish a form of Physical courage with the attitude with the physical endurance and perseverance of our actions before sustained pain, hardship, th, or threat of death or death itself.
    We also mention that displaying moral courage represent our personal skills to act rightly and defend our beliefs with fortitude when facing popular opposition, contradictory statements and erroneous sayings or when faced with some external scandalous behaviors.
    Exercising courageous acts does not mean to launch into action without proper prudence and self-control since excessive bravado leads to recklessness and entails taking to many unnecessary risks which may harm one or impede the general safety of others around us. Wisdom, moderation and temperance are often the complementary actions which follow our general assessment of the situation and our determined plan of action.
    Courage is somewhat a group of corrective actions or a protecting shield exercised to prevent further injuries to our natural vulnerabilities towards injuries or in the presence of imminent death. As such, courage is a natural reaction to deal with our fears that prevent us from reaching our objectives. It is also an ensemble of mental and physical weapons that we put together to manage our positive responses and actions by ensuring that we do the right thing to overcome our fears.
    Courage is often revealed by composure, calmness, tranquility or by daring, audacious, bold or sustained actions/attacks against what constitute the elements of our fear. These two dimensions (passive-active) when combined will facilitate the implementation of a swift and decisive action plan to neutralize most of the risks involved. Courage is then the ability to muster the necessary resources to overcome fear. Courage also means to:

    Jigoro Kano demonstrated that his judo composite system presented sufficient opportunities for everyone to think that no matter what the circumstances might be, one should always have in mind the possibilities to overcome. One should seek the opportunity to take advantage of the disequilibrium found in the other posture to strike, thus securing a conquest. When describing the Essence of judo with the theory of Ju Yoko Go o Seisu, he mentioned: “In short, resisting a more powerful opponent will result in your defeat, whilst adjusting to and evading your opponent’s attack will cause him to lose his balance, his power will be reduced, and you will defeat him.
    As judoka, we all have the opportunities to exploit courage in different forms. By choosing to practice judo when most of your peers have selected to practice hockey or soccer takes some courage to be different and to be able to persevere with your choice. Accepting the many hours of practicing breakfalls and Uchi Komi and its associated pain and sweat takes special dedication. To seek continually the answers to your questioning about the do’s and don’ts of selected techniques takes dedication and perseverance. Always seeking the truth until you discover the principles associated with techniques also takes courage. Trying to improve your efficiency day after day is yet another sign of courage. Helping peers and lesser talented judoka with their techniques shows your devotion towards your greater goals. There are multiple scenarios you can add to this short list depending upon your individual personalities.
    If you have chosen to be an active competitor, your engagement into the severe and arduous training regimes is yet another display of courage. Returning to fight with determination after a defeat or loss is another good example of applied courage.
    forgeron judo
    forgeron judo

    Posts : 86
    Join date : 2013-01-02
    Age : 83
    Location : Toronto ontario

    courage as a virtue to be develop in judo activities and used both on the tami and outside. Empty judo courage

    Post by forgeron judo Sat Jul 19, 2014 5:38 am

    The full presentation of my article can be viewed at WWW.Scribd.com with the identifyer: judo-Ron 82 or Zuihitsu, or by the title: Judo Combat Strategies: Courage and Strength

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