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    Irvine Judo Club


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2014-07-30

    Irvine Judo Club Empty Irvine Judo Club

    Post by oc_judo_guy Wed Jul 30, 2014 6:39 pm

    Hello fellow Judoka,

    I was wondering if anyone has tried the (irvinejudoclub.com)Irvine Judo Club in Orange County? They are supposed to have advanced classes on Thursday and Saturday and was thinking about checking it out, but wanted to see if anyone had any experience there. Any feedback would be great. Also, is $70 dollars a month for Judo considered expensive? I know they have 4 classes a week, but I am probably only able to make a couple a week.



    Posts : 554
    Join date : 2013-01-17
    Location : your worst nightmares

    Irvine Judo Club Empty Re: Irvine Judo Club

    Post by Stacey Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:42 pm

    $70 a month for Orange County? Sounds pretty reasonable for 4 classes a week, even if you're not able to make it. This is their website, right? http://www.irvinejudo.com/

    I'm not horribly familiar with CA judo, but I'm familiar with Daniel Lee, and he's respected. I see some people I know in his pictures - very well respected instructors, coaches, refs. He's USA Judo, USJF, Nanka - those are the things I'd look for for a start. His schedule is online, and things seem to be very transparent, which is also good.

    Here's what I'd do - I'd go and watch a class, or call up and take a trial class and see what it's like. If you're ready for advanced classes, make sure you bring your USJA/USJF/USA Judo membership with you, and you probably already know what makes a good school, and what you really need in a school and whether they meet your needs.

    Give it a try.

      Current date/time is Tue Oct 08, 2024 11:09 pm