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    Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894)


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    Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894) Empty Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894)

    Post by noboru Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:58 pm

    In the book (Jigoro Kano and the Kodokan - An Innovative response to modernisation, Kano Sensei Biographic Editorial Commitee a Alex Bennett, Kodokan Judo Institute, 2009) are also included translations of certificates of May 20, 1894 test Kodokan in Shimotomizaka-cho. Certificates at lower levels at that time were printed and From 4.danu Kano wrote them handly. Interestingly, the instructor is designated to the person who receives the degree 6.dan. It is also interesting to note how different the words in individual certificates of recommendations for further work (in english translation): will continue in training / study will / must continue to study. My sense of it is that a higher degree granting from Kano he committed his pupils to the continuation and deeper study.

    Shodan, 2-dan and 3-dan
    "The bearer of this certificate has made great efforts in studying Nihon-den Kódókan Júdó and has demonstrated sufficient progress to be awarded the grade of shodan (2-dan, 3-dan). The holder of this certificate will continue training to improve his skills".

    4-dan and 5-dan
    "Over the course of many years, the bearer of this certificate has made great efforts studying Nihon-den Kódókan Júdó, demonstrating high technical ability, and is hereby awarded the grade of 4-dan (or 5-dan). The holder of this certificate will study to become an instructor."

    6-dan and above
    "Over the course of many years the bearer of this certificate has made great efforts studying Nihon-den Kódókan Júdó, demonstrating a mastery of techniques, and is hereby awarded the grade of 6-dan. The holder of this certificate must continue to study to become a true master (Shihan)."

    Posts : 1070
    Join date : 2013-01-02

    Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894) Empty Re: Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894)

    Post by Jonesy Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:28 pm

    The text is pretty much unchanged to this day. I posted the current text a few years ago on this, or the other, Forum. I will re post here once I am home from vacation.

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    Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894) Empty Re: Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894)

    Post by Udon Sat Aug 23, 2014 4:21 am

    Looking forward to that post. Thank you in advance.
    Enjoy your vacation.

    Posts : 1070
    Join date : 2013-01-02

    Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894) Empty Re: Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894)

    Post by Jonesy Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:20 am

    The bilingual Kodokan dan certificates read:

    1 - 3 Dan
    Mr Firstname Lastname is herewith licensed to rank in the [...] Grade of the Kodokan Judo of Japanese origin in recognition of the great progress he has made by his diligent study of the art.

    We expect him to endeavour for further progress in the future.

    4 Dan+
    Mr Firstname Last name is herewith licensed to rank in the [...] Grade of the Kodokan Judo of Japanese origin in recognition of the great technical adroitness he has attained by his diligent study of the art for many years.

    We expect him to continue to endeavour and become a leading expert in the future.

    Quite recently "Grade" has been replaced by "Dan".

    Posts : 118
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    Age : 40
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    Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894) Empty Re: Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894)

    Post by cuivien Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:08 am

    Don't know what it looks like for 4th dan and up (yet tongue ), but the Japanese part (which is more or less exactly the same as the English version) reads:

    [Firstname Lastname]
    日本傳講道館柔道ノ修行ニ精力ヲ盡シ大ニ其ノ進歩ヲ見タリ依テ[dan number]ニ列ス向後益〻研磨可有之者也。
    [year, date]
    講道館館長 [name of current head]


    Posts : 1070
    Join date : 2013-01-02

    Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894) Empty Re: Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894)

    Post by Jonesy Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:21 am

    Current certificates have two signatures - Yukimitsu Kano (Honorary President) and Haruki Uemura (President).

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    Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894) Empty Re: Texts from dan certificates from Kano (1894)

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