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The Joe-Man
Neil G
14 posters

    IJF prohibits judo athletes to compete in BJ other grappling competitions


    Posts : 44
    Join date : 2013-11-12
    Age : 43

    IJF prohibits judo athletes to compete in BJ other grappling competitions - Page 2 Empty Re: IJF prohibits judo athletes to compete in BJ other grappling competitions

    Post by Rightintheface Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:38 pm

    We're not talking about smashing faces, Fin. This isnmt about MMA. we're talking about other grapplig arts. Bjj, wrestling, etc.
    And frankly, although I respect that MMA is not for everyone, I get a little tired of it being so demonized. Mma is not the problem, nor is it really what the IJF is responding to. So talking about it here, IMHO, is less about the issue and more taking another opportunity to take a dig at MMA.
    SO, may we please go back to discussing the IJF? What about BJJ or wrestling is a "threat" to them?

    In its infancy, IIRC, judoka willingly and frequently had mathes with other styles, to show its effectiveness. Thegracies, love them or hate trm, were also quite prolific with this. Both gained popularity and increased exposure through those chanels, and the IJF is taking the opposite approach.

      Current date/time is Tue Oct 08, 2024 10:17 pm