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    "on the floor" competition for kids


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2014-11-19

    "on the floor" competition for kids Empty "on the floor" competition for kids

    Post by jazzrock71 Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:03 pm

    Hi all,
    just a curiosity (asked from my son, 8 y.o.), who's started few months ago judo.

    Sometimes, in competition on the floor  (I don't know how do you call them, when you stay with left knee on the floor) he lose because he's not very strong with arms, and always the other kid put him in kesa gatame in a few seconds.

    Is there a way to unbalance the opponent even if he is stronger then my son?
    He's a little frustrated, because he never win ....

    thanks a lot

    Posts : 224
    Join date : 2013-01-04
    Location : South Africa

    "on the floor" competition for kids Empty Re: "on the floor" competition for kids

    Post by Davaro Thu Nov 20, 2014 7:55 pm

    Hello there,

    I think what you are referring to is "Newaza randori" or what can be termed ground-fighting/grappling free-practise.

    Unfortunately, there is no solution to your sons "problem" that can be found on the internet. I know exactly what you mean though and will simply try to explain what is happening...

    Firstly, you son has only being doing judo for a few months. I don't know the experience of the chaps he is playing against but at his current level, strength will be a factor until he learns technique.

    You see, at his age, kids will be trying to out-muscle each other and the stronger one will usually prevail. This happens up to the elite levels as well. If two players are of equal experience and level and the one is simply stronger, it stands to reason that the stronger one will usually win?

    As your son develops and learns more about the basics, using the others momentum for example, he will find he does better and better.

    At this point, the key is to encourage him to attend as many classes as possible, learn as fast as possible and most importantly to let him know that "winning" these so-called contests are not the point at the moment. He must not get discouraged and will eventually get more confident.

    I wish you luck with this and tell the little guy every single Judoka has gone through this and the good ones are the ones that keep at it.

    The old saying, "fall down 7 times, get up 8 times" (or something like that) comes to mind

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