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    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934)


    Posts : 839
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    Location : Czech Republic

    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) Empty Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934)

    Post by noboru Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:45 am

    Im interesting about judo history the little bit - exactly czech/czechoslovak judo history. Some czech sources refer to Kanos visited in Prague (Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic) in years 1920, (1933 or 1934 ) and 1936. I found lot of detailed informations about his visit in Prague on 1936 (way to Olympic games in Berlin, lead judo session (new school year) and gave the speech, photo from train station), but no about years 1933 or 1934.

    Jigoro Kano in Prague (1936) with some czech judokas ( Prof. František Smotlacha - head of Czechoslovak JiuJitsu association (man with skin head) ).
    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) 75_let_juda_v_cr_pict02

    Please have you got any informations about Kanos visit Prague in years 1933 or 1934? Or do you know some sources about these trips (english, japanese)?

    Jigoro Kano was both years in Europe and visited more european countries, demonstrated and taught judo.

    1933 - IOC Vienna (Austria) accompanied by judokas Sumiyuki Kotani and Masami Takasaki. Japan (May 17, 1933) - Russia - Moscow, Austria - Vienna, Germany - Muenchen, Stuggart, Berlin, France - Paris, Great Britain -  London (August), Spain - Madrid (September), Malaysia - Singapur, (returned to Japan in November)

    1934 - IOC Athens (Greece), Vienna (Austria), London (Great Britain), (returned to Japan in September)

    More info about my sources:
    From: http://ejmas.com/jcs/2004jcs/jcsart_svinth_0504.htm

    Upon returning to Japan, Kano took care of some problems involving his third son Riho, who had been arrested for consorting with Communists. When this problem was taken care of, Kano prepared for a trip to Vienna, where he was to attend another International Olympic Committee meeting. The latter trip cost ¥16,500, an expense borne by the Tokyo municipal government.

    Kano left for Vienna on May 17, 1933. Accompanying him were two judo 6-dans, Sumiyuki Kotani and Masami Takasaki. Takasaki was Kano's son-in-law, and the winner of the All-Japan Championships of 1930. Meanwhile, Kotani, a future judo 10-dan, had represented Japan in freestyle wrestling during the 1932 Olympics. During this trip, Kano demonstrated judo in Germany and Austria, and attended the International Olympic Committee conference in Vienna, an international parliamentary conference in Madrid, and meetings at the German Sports Ministry in Berlin. While passing through Italy the motor coach on which Kano was riding went off the road, leaving a portion of its length hanging over a precipice. Subsequent reports said that while some of the other passengers became hysterical with fear, Kano sat unperturbed until everyone else had gotten out to safety. [EN15]
    source EN15: EN15. Xerographic copy of research notes prepared for Saburo Matsushita by Trevor Leggett, courtesy of Richard Bowen.

    Jigoro Kano demonstrating his Kodokan Judo in Vienna in 1933
    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) Kano19

    Source: http://lieuxdits.free.fr/judo.html
    1933 : Conférence de Jigoro KANO sur le judo en France

    Source: http://www.oejv.com/wissenswertes/geschichte/erste-blute/
    Prof. Jigoro Kano bei seinem Aufenthalt in der Bundeshauptstadt mit seinen beiden Assistenten M. Takasaki und Sumiyuki Kotani, eine eindrucksvolle Vorführung seiner Sportart bot. Prof. Kano demonstrierte auch bei der Wiener Polizei in der Marokkaner-Kaserne seine Methode der Körpererziehung. Anschließend fuhr Prof. Kano von Wien nach München, wo er ebenfalls sein Judo vorführte.

    Source: http://www.intjudo.eu/Judo_Corner/KANO_and_the_Begining_of_the_Judo_Movement/KANO_and_the_Begining_of_the_Judo_Movement1
    1933 : Kano visited Europe to promote the choice of Tokyo as a site for the 12th Olympiad, Moscow, Stuttgart, Berlin, London, Paris, Madrid..
    1934 : Moscow, Warsaw, Vienna, Belgrade, Paris, London, Naples, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai..

    Source: http://www.uv.es/~marinjl/judo/jkano.htm
    1933 26 Septiembre Conferencia de Jigoro Kano "Ecole des Arts et Metiers" París.

    Source: http://www.kanosociety.org/Bulletins/pdf%20bulletins/bulletin4.pdf
    This was originally a course of four
    lectures delivered by Jigoro Kano at
    the Drill Hall of the 13th Battalion
    London Regt. - The first lecture took
    place on August 28 1933

    Source: http://100yearlegacy.org/english/Kano_Jigoro/Chronology/
    1933 73 June - travelled to Vienna to attend the IOC Session. Yôtaro Sugimura was appointed to the IOC membership in this session Attended Deutsches Turnfest (German Gymnastics Festival) held in Stuttgart
    Commended by French government for his service to physical education
    Met Adolf Hilter in Berlin
    Instructed at the Judo training session organised by Bavarian Government. Made lecture and demonstration of Judo in Vienna, London and France
    Lectured at Singapore Judo coompetition (returned to Japan in November)

    1934 74 Kodokan building newly constructed in Suidobashi
    April - attended the IOC Session in Athens, Michimasa Soëjima became IOC member in this session
    Made lecture and demonstration of Judo at the Parnassus Literary Society in Athens and in Vienna and London. Met Carl Diem and others (returned to Japan in September)

    Detailed about IOC Vienna 1933

    Jigoro Kano in Egypt (Sfinga) - ??? 1938

    Last edited by noboru on Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:58 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) Empty Re: Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934)

    Post by NBK Wed Nov 26, 2014 1:39 am

    I looked quickly but didn't spot anything in Japanese on the trip.

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    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) Empty Re: Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934)

    Post by NBK Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:20 pm

    Today I found reference to a film made in 1933 in which Kano shihan demonstrates judo. If I understood the reference correctly, the film is in French. Perhaps during the trip in question.

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    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) Empty Re: Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934)

    Post by noboru Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:59 am

    Thank you a lot for your endeavour.

    Posts : 160
    Join date : 2013-12-02

    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) Empty Re: Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934)

    Post by Reinberger Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:49 am

    NBK wrote:Today I found reference to a film made in 1933 in which Kano shihan demonstrates judo.  If I understood the reference correctly, the film is in French.  Perhaps during the trip in question.

    I know for sure, that a newsreel-report was taken about Kanō-shihan's visit to the (so-called) 1. Oesterreichischer Jiu-Jitsu-Klub in Vienna on June 12, 1933. While most of the demonstrations there seem to have been made by Kotani and Takasaki, there are photos from that event, that show Kanō Jigorō himself, albeit in western clothing, demonstrating techniques (look here: https://judo.forumotion.com/t1291p15-meeting-between-hitler-and-kano#12467).

    I already tried to unearth that movie, but unfortunately the relevant reel is one of the lost ones in the respective archive. However, as the people there talked about "if it re-emerges ...", perhaps there is a glimmer of hope, that we will be able to see that movie one day in the future. Of course, the report itself must have been in German language.

    Posts : 839
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) Empty Re: Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934)

    Post by noboru Sat Dec 06, 2014 7:32 am

    Thank you.

    Posts : 839
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) Empty more info about Masami Takasaki

    Post by noboru Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:24 am

    Here is more info about Masami Takasaki. He accompanied Jigoro Kano with Sumiyuki Kotani in year 1933 in his trip around Europe.

    Masami Takasaki – Tomiki’s
    judo friend, was a captain
    of Waseda University judo
    club, the champion of the
    all-Japan judo championship
    sponsored by the group
    supporting Meiji shrine
    activities in 1925, and also
    the husband of Kano’s

    Source: Judo’s techniques performed from a distance: The
    origin of Jigoro Kano’s concept and its actualization
    by Kenji Tomiki
    from Fumiaki Shishida, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan


    Posts : 1298
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    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) Empty Re: Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934)

    Post by NBK Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:50 am

    He and Kano's daughter apparently divorced later. I've heard that Kano shihan thought that eventually Takasaki would replace him as Kodokan head, too.

    Posts : 839
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) Empty Kano Jigoro in Prague 1912,1920,1936 only

    Post by noboru Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:17 pm

    I have result.

    I found articles from old czech newspapers - Jigoro Kano was in Prague (today Czechia/Czech Republic, earlier Czechoslovakia, Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy) in years 1912, 1920, 1936.

    November 1912 - way around European countries, In July was in IOC meeting in Stockholm in Sweeden
    - met here with czech IOC member, leaders of Prague city, observed czech physical educational systems (Sokol organization), make short walking trip in czech mountains Krkonose with czech IOC leader
    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) 19121109NL_KanoVPraze
    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) 19121125NL_KanoVKrkonosich
    September 1920 - visits Prague from Olympic games in Antverpen with two professors from University when led by Mr. Kano - Michiakira Nagai (professor of physical education), Tetsuo Watanuki (professor sociology) - they interested about czech physical education systems, Sokol organization and working of Ministry Education and Healts, met with Prague leaders, met with  czechoslovak president Mr. Tomas Garrigue Masaryk, did speech in english club in Prague (theme is unknown).
    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) 19200920NL_KanoVPraze

    September 1936 - visited Prague on the way from Olympic games in Berlin. He did speech about judo in english language (spees is very similar with Kanos public speech from Olympic Games 1932 in Los Angeles), did some judo practice
    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) 19360912LN_oprobehlePrednasceKanaVPraze
    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) 19360911XX_fsdobo_jigorokano
    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) 19360911NL_PozvankaNaKanovuPrednasku
    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) 19360907XX_JigoroKano

    In historical articles from year 1920, 1936 is noted that Mr.Kano visited Prague second time, third time.
    Now is it clear. Kano Jigoro wasn't in years 1933 or 1934 or 1935 in Czechoslovakia - only 1912,1920,1936.

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    Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934) Empty Re: Jigoro Kanos trips to Europe (1933, 1934)

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