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    Judo's Transformation: Good or Bad?

    forgeron judo
    forgeron judo

    Posts : 86
    Join date : 2013-01-02
    Age : 83
    Location : Toronto ontario

    Judo's Transformation: Good or Bad? Empty Judo's Transformation: Good or Bad?

    Post by forgeron judo Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:34 pm

    Please find attached my thougths on the transformation of judo.

    The more you get involved with judo, the more you discover that it has its own life cycle just as everything else in the universe. In due times, all things have to transform into something else. Cells have potential to lead to another form that will, in turn, follow its own course. Days will follow nights and nights will appear for a given time and then, will engender another cycle again. These life cycles, some simple others more complex, do not escape the learned observer, and judo must be regarded as a sort of continuity in the attack and defense system designed by Doctor Jigoro Kano. So it is the dynamic course of all life forms in the universe. The only constant is change itself.

    In 1882, from the seeds of old martial arts in vogue in the 16th and 17th centuries in Japan, Professor Jigoro spent more than 50 years of research, experimentation, modification and improvement to define his new physical education system based on educational principles and scientific foundations called the Kodokan Judo which proved to be vastly superior to others in its physical and mental use of intelligent energy when dealing with threatening situations. His new approach was intended to provide his participants with a safer and more enjoyable environment where they could make use of their acquired techniques and spiritual principles, to become stronger and healthier, thus more productive to society.
    The educational and physical curriculum designed by Professor Kano and his closest assistants was meant to ensure maximum protection from injuries while teaching advanced techniques based on solid physical principles and laws of nature. Amongst those, was the intelligent use of balance and movement to better cope with potential oncoming threats or forces. It promoted the optimization of energy at the decisive moment to avoid direct confrontations and facilitate better and more flexible responses.
    Professor Kano also desired to elevate his Kodokan judo to a new plateau of spiritual dimension when he said:
    “I wanted to make it clear that judo was a means of embarking onto the DO or path towards excellence.”
    -Jigoro Kano, Mind over Muscle, Writings from the founder of Judo, Compiled by Naoki Murata, Kodansha International; Tokyo 2005, page 19.

    Judo seen as a sport is surely viewed as the next transformation on the continuum. It evolved in the early 1900 with simple rules set by Professor Kano for regional contests against other schools and regions. It has now become a much regulated combat sport since the 1950’. As an Olympic event, it is now an important part to develop the martial spirit, the physical stamina, the technical refinement, and the mental properties sought after by all those seeking more satisfaction in accomplishing greater technical feasts and savour the value of winning a grandiose event, not only over self, but over the determined best opponents.
    As a sport, it offers a variety of challenging combat situations. It is stimulating to all those involved, and it provides occasions to expand and diffuse the knowledge to a broader audience.

    We have to recognize that the majority of judoka will be satisfied with following the basic curriculum and be quite satisfied with their technical accomplishments or improvements. For many reasons, the membership will varied and others will venture to participate at local and regional competitions. Only 10% of the more talented will most likely consider stepping to new heights and accepting new and more demanding challenges. Those few will have to understand that they form a selected group who is prepared to undergo the necessary multi years of training regime and maintain their dedication over years of hardship. For them, the end results are their only target of importance and they dedication is not to be challenged. The elite level competition should by itself, foster the attainment of strong and higher moral values. There is still a requirement to avoid access and prevent the desires to have each performance become an act of egocentrism to the detriment of mutual welfare and prosperity.
    What to expect as a next form of transformation for the judo as we know it today? A conversion with the Brazilian style, some joint ventures with MMA or additional mixt with other jutsu styles are still possible. It is too early to predict, but we have to be naïve that no other change will happen. Time will tell.

    forgeron judo
    forgeron judo

    Posts : 86
    Join date : 2013-01-02
    Age : 83
    Location : Toronto ontario

    Judo's Transformation: Good or Bad? Empty Re: Judo's Transformation: Good or Bad?

    Post by forgeron judo Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:05 am

    Testing tools for mental and techical Skills.

    A récent medical forum held in Europe suggested that children 10 years of age and over about to embark in judo should be tested before and during their early formation period to try to assess their mental fitness along their physical fitness and skills development.
    Local teacher or dojoshu are not all equipted with the proper tools to carry on these assessments. General assessment is often limited to the medical letter testifying that the child is exempt of major difficulties and can take up the judo activities under normal supervision. The written consent of one the parent is also taken as a complementary certification of fitness. As the child grow and mature in the sport, the teacher can reevaluate as needed as the introduction phase and the love of the sport are becoming more visible.
    Can most teachers develop a student-teacher relationship to permit at least a visual appreciation of the followings: the love of judo,the will power to pursue and endure more and versa-tiles programs, the degree of span of attention,the increase ability to make good assessments and render proper judgement in difficult situations?is the child still open to suggestions and responsible for his actions?
    Physical testing and fitness levels and mobility apart, do most teachers at the local levels undertake such task by observation or are there tools at their disposal?
    I would like to know what is in vogue out there or should we rely on the next phase of the long term development when the judo is better surounded by various specialists in the entourage?

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