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    Please Critique My Judo


    Posts : 37
    Join date : 2013-01-08
    Location : Canada

    Please Critique My Judo Empty Please Critique My Judo

    Post by Okazi Thu May 07, 2015 2:55 pm

    Hi there,

    These videos are from a competition that was held in the greater Toronto area two weekends ago. I would appreciate any and all criticism regarding my performance. Thanks in advance.


    Posts : 130
    Join date : 2013-01-04

    Please Critique My Judo Empty Re: Please Critique My Judo

    Post by jkw Sat May 09, 2015 8:40 am

    It'd be great to know your grade and how many years you've been training? Also bold to post these videos ... I hope you get useful feedback.

    My comments are -

    MATCH 1 - after the first counter, you had a chance in ne-waza. You should develop a strong technique for attacking your opponent in this situation.

    MATCH 2 - at your level of experience focus more on learning to defend throws with good hip movement, rather than trying to counter attack. Counter attacking can come later, when you have good body movement and positioning. It looked like you attempted the counter from a weak position, lost balance and ended up in your opponents hold.

    When you try to escape, put your arms under your opponents chest and push upwards with your whole body, don't try to pull him off from above. His kami-shiho gatame had many chances for you to escape and you would have been able to do so with better technique.

    MATCH 3 - it was good to see you attacking positively. Nice combinations and timing. You don't yet use your arms/hands well. Your tsurite (right hand in your case) should help to close the distance between your body and your opponent, in your o-soto-gari and uchi-mata the space is too great. Hikite hand should also pull your opponent off balance. Your final o-soto-gari was more reliant on power than technique, although initial timing was good.

    On the positives, you move around well and have a good attitude. Lots of good things to focus on!
    Ben Reinhardt
    Ben Reinhardt

    Posts : 794
    Join date : 2012-12-28
    Location : Bonners Ferry, Idaho, USA

    Please Critique My Judo Empty Re: Please Critique My Judo

    Post by Ben Reinhardt Sat May 09, 2015 9:26 am

    1.) Emphasize grip-move-throw training (for shiai).
    2.) Watch your posture, you had a tendency to bend over.
    3.) Your left Hiza Guruma will work better if you circle towards your lapel grip and then attempt the throw rather than doing it mostly statically.


    Posts : 37
    Join date : 2013-01-08
    Location : Canada

    Please Critique My Judo Empty Re: Please Critique My Judo

    Post by Okazi Mon May 11, 2015 8:03 am

    Hi jkw and Ben,

    I'm an ikkyu that has been doing judo on/off for around 6 years. I appreciate the time and effort that you both put into your responses. I have some major things to work on like staying upright, and using my hands/arms more effectively. Thanks guys, more stuff added to the laundry list...

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