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    judo randori for little child it's good or bad (anyway it's really cute to see it)


    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2015-02-09

    judo randori for little child it's good or bad (anyway it's really cute to see it) Empty judo randori for little child it's good or bad (anyway it's really cute to see it)

    Post by amazingjudo Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:12 pm

    thare are a lot of people that not like it to do judo in young age..
    but also a lot of people say it's good to teach the cild to do judo for be ready to the troth judo batlle and like that he become betther evrey day more .. And in this way he learns a long time a lot of technique

    so judo randori for little child it's good or bad (anyway it's really cute to see it)

    this is a little boy ( 4 years old) that begin the judo and do this batlle after two months...

    goodjob  thumbup1

    so what did you think about this ??
    Ben Reinhardt
    Ben Reinhardt

    Posts : 794
    Join date : 2012-12-28
    Location : Bonners Ferry, Idaho, USA

    judo randori for little child it's good or bad (anyway it's really cute to see it) Empty Re: judo randori for little child it's good or bad (anyway it's really cute to see it)

    Post by Ben Reinhardt Wed Sep 30, 2015 9:34 am

    amazingjudo wrote:thare are a lot of people that not like it to do judo in young age..
    but also a lot of people say it's good to teach the cild to do judo for be ready to the troth judo batlle and like that he become betther evrey day more .. And in this way he learns a long time a lot of technique

    so judo randori for little child it's good or bad (anyway it's really cute to see it)

    this is a little boy ( 4 years old) that begin the judo and do this batlle after two months...

    goodjob  thumbup1

    so what did you think about this ??

    So, do you guys have any sort of coaching guidelines for kids over there that your judo association requires you follow ? Any sort of judo coach certification that instructs you on age appropriate judo -related activities based in a modern understanding of child development ? Any sort of liability for injury to kids for engaging in age-inappropriate training ?

    I'm just wondering, because I'd lose my coach certification over here if I let anything like what you put on video for the world to see. And if a kid got hurt under the circumstances that you post, I'd be personally liable in the legal sense.

    BTW, here is a link that works.

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