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    Naname-Uchi: Osoto-Gari or Osoto-Otoshi?


    Posts : 42
    Join date : 2014-03-12

    Naname-Uchi: Osoto-Gari or Osoto-Otoshi? Empty Naname-Uchi: Osoto-Gari or Osoto-Otoshi?

    Post by classicschmosby Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:52 am

    In the Kodokan videos and textbook the finishing technique of Naname-Uchi is Osoto-Otoshi but in my copy of Kodokan judo it is described as Osoto-Gari. Osoto-Otoshi is also not in the gokyo in Kodokan judo. Is this a mistake or was there a change of technique at some point?

    Posts : 184
    Join date : 2013-01-22

    Naname-Uchi: Osoto-Gari or Osoto-Otoshi? Empty Re: Naname-Uchi: Osoto-Gari or Osoto-Otoshi?

    Post by wdax Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:59 am

    It must be o-soto-otoshi. If you find o-soto-gari instead somewhere, it´s simply a mistake.

    Posts : 507
    Join date : 2013-01-11
    Location : Finland

    Naname-Uchi: Osoto-Gari or Osoto-Otoshi? Empty Re: Naname-Uchi: Osoto-Gari or Osoto-Otoshi?

    Post by finarashi Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:40 am

    classicschmosby wrote:In the Kodokan videos and textbook the finishing technique of Naname-Uchi is Osoto-Otoshi but in my copy of Kodokan judo it is described as Osoto-Gari. Osoto-Otoshi is also not in the gokyo in Kodokan judo. Is this a mistake or was there a change of technique at some point?
    Osoto-otoshi can be found in Kodokan pages. It can also be found from Daigo's book.
    You are right that osoto-otoshi is not in the current gokyo in Kodokan judo, but it was in the old gokyo untill the revision in 1920. Osoto-otoshi was in the group 4 as throw 9.

    My guess is it was not considered sufficiently different to be studied by those on their way to obtain 1 dan.

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    Naname-Uchi: Osoto-Gari or Osoto-Otoshi? Empty Re: Naname-Uchi: Osoto-Gari or Osoto-Otoshi?

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