Nice intro to an interesting gent whose impact on the development of judo is under appreciated.
NBK wrote:Nice intro to an interesting gent whose impact on the development of judo is under appreciated.
As WDax says....wdax wrote:NBK wrote:Nice intro to an interesting gent whose impact on the development of judo is under appreciated.
But sadly complete nonsense, sa far as judo is concerned. He wrote:
"The book Dr. Bälz published in 1906 after returning to Germany, titled Das Kano Jiu-Jitsu (Jiudo) (The Kanō Jigorō Style of Jujitsu [Jūdō]), contributed greatly to popularizing the sport in his native country, and the book is read by jūdō enthusiasts in Germany even today. "
He is writing about the german edition of Higashi/Hancock "The complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu", which has a) nothing to do with judo and b) Bälz did not publish it, but only wrote a forword...
NBK wrote:
Did Heiko Bittman write in German, too? He wrote a Japanese book on Balz. Maybe the same thing.
noboru wrote:wdax wrote about him in his excellent german text ( Chapter 16 - page 53)
Teil 16: ERWIN BÄLZ und die Diskussion um die Aufnahme der Kampfkünste
in die schulische Erziehung in der ersten Hälfte der Meiji-Zeit
Grundwissen der Geschichte des Kōdōkan-Jūdō in Japan von Wolfgang Dax-Romswinkel