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2 posters

    R.I.P. John P. Cornish (1928 - 2018)


    Posts : 1070
    Join date : 2013-01-02

    R.I.P. John P. Cornish (1928 - 2018) Empty R.I.P. John P. Cornish (1928 - 2018)

    Post by Jonesy Sat Apr 21, 2018 9:09 pm

    It is with much sadness that I inform the judo community of the death, on Wednesday 11 April 2018, of John Cornish.

    John was a senior British judoka (BJA 7th dan) and aikidoka (8th dan).  He studied judo from 1952 at the London Budokwai under the celebrated British judoka, author, broadcaster and scholar Trevor (T.P.) Leggett (1914~2000) BJA 7th dan,  Kodokan 6th dan.  From 1958 to 1964 he practiced both systems in Japan – specifically, judo at the Kodokan as a member of the Kenshusei [Research Student] class, and aikido and the Hombu [Headquarters] dojo.  In particular, he studied Kodokan Goshin-jutsu as a direct student of Kenji Tomiki.  After his return to the UK, he taught both judo and aikido at the Budokwai until his retirement in 2010.

    In the early 1980s he published a booklet entitled “Go-Shin-Jutsu – Judo Self Defence Kata”, which is still one of the most technically detailed written resource on Kodokan Goshin-jutsu available in the English language.

    Funeral details here: http://www.kanosociety.org/News/JohnCornish.htm

    May he rest well.

    Posts : 1070
    Join date : 2013-01-02

    R.I.P. John P. Cornish (1928 - 2018) Empty Re: R.I.P. John P. Cornish (1928 - 2018)

    Post by Jonesy Fri May 18, 2018 4:56 am

    Special tribute edition of the Kano Society Bulletin produced in memory of John Cornish (28 December 1928 - 11 April 2018).


    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    R.I.P. John P. Cornish (1928 - 2018) Empty The early days of Kodokan Judo overseas post WWII

    Post by NBK Thu May 31, 2018 7:57 pm

    I post this for folks that may appreciate the span of judo's interaction with the West post WWII.

    I did not know this gentleman, but clearly he and his contemporaries had a tremendous effect on British judo.

    The article has tremendous value in multiple dimensions.

    And my condolences to Cornin sensei's family.


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    R.I.P. John P. Cornish (1928 - 2018) Empty Re: R.I.P. John P. Cornish (1928 - 2018)

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