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    Budo practice with body handicap


    Posts : 839
    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Budo practice with body handicap Empty Budo practice with body handicap

    Post by noboru Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:47 pm

    Here is czech article with some video examples of people with body handicap (iaido, kendo, jodo, judo). They are nice examples about power of budo ideas.


    Posts : 231
    Join date : 2014-01-20

    Budo practice with body handicap Empty Re: Budo practice with body handicap

    Post by Anatol Sat Jul 16, 2016 7:23 pm

    Hi Noboru,

    Just a few days ago I found an example of an one legged Judoka.

    Sorry - didn't scroll down your whole article ...


    Posts : 160
    Join date : 2013-12-02

    Budo practice with body handicap Empty Jūjutsu Handicap Defense - Shiai for mentally handicapped people

    Post by Reinberger Tue Jul 19, 2016 2:00 am

    A little bit different, but: in Austria, a special system was developed to allow jūjutsu shiai for our mentally handicapped budōka. The participants are on fire to show what they can do, and are a real inspiration regarding their enthusiasm and joy, as well as their knowledge of being jointly winners, completely regardless of individual results. Better than most non-handicapped persons they understand, that budō means to strive to become better than yesterday, and not to be better than someone else, and to preserve that idea even during shiai.

    Here is a video from 2011 showing the competition (starting at 8:21):

    The following report was issued prior to the JJIF-World Championships 2012 in Vienna, were the system was demonstrated during the official opening ceremony (sorry, in German language only):


    Posts : 200
    Join date : 2015-06-02
    Age : 59
    Location : The Great White North

    Budo practice with body handicap Empty Re: Budo practice with body handicap

    Post by Y-Chromosome Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:54 am

    Anatol wrote:Hi Noboru,

    Just a few days ago I found an example of an one legged Judoka.


    Sorry - didn't scroll down your whole article ...


    Curious as to why he would choose not to use a prosthetic.

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