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genetic judoka
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    Body parts on the face


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    Body parts on the face Empty Body parts on the face

    Post by charlietuna Sat Feb 23, 2013 7:59 am

    So, as far as I understand it, and what some refs have told me DURING matches, it is illegal to put hands on someone's face, and is definitely frowned upon to put your arm over their face. Some techniques, like Juji Gatame have an aspect where your leg or other body part could or does come in contact with the face. Is this illegal or frowned upon?

    I have also seen a technique, albeit from a BJJ instructor, where you put your shin and sort of... "leverage" your opponent to turn their head. I'll post the link down below, but I wondered if this is illegal also. Any help would be appreciated. I don't want to practice anything that won't be legal in a match.

    Here is the link to the video. He does the technique the "nice" way first, and uses his knee at about the 2 minute mark. In the video, he uses his hand to push the face away, which is obviously illegal in judo, but I wondered if the knee on chin aspect was.

    genetic judoka
    genetic judoka

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    Post by genetic judoka Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:08 am

    as I understand it, skin on skin, on the so-called "mask of the face" (from jawline to eyebrows) is illegal. your pants covered leg touching the face is not, so long as it cannot be considered a strike of some sort. now for the record, legal does not mean nice. it just means you're allowed to do it, but doesn't guarantee that you'll make friends with your opponents.

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    Post by BillC Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:38 am

    genetic judoka wrote:as I understand it, skin on skin, on the so-called "mask of the face" (from jawline to eyebrows) is illegal. your pants covered leg touching the face is not, so long as it cannot be considered a strike of some sort. now for the record, legal does not mean nice. it just means you're allowed to do it, but doesn't guarantee that you'll make friends with your opponents.

    By your definition ... (adult content warning) ...

    Ben Reinhardt
    Ben Reinhardt

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    Body parts on the face Empty Re: Body parts on the face

    Post by Ben Reinhardt Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:13 am

    charlietuna wrote:So, as far as I understand it, and what some refs have told me DURING matches, it is illegal to put hands on someone's face, and is definitely frowned upon to put your arm over their face. Some techniques, like Juji Gatame have an aspect where your leg or other body part could or does come in contact with the face. Is this illegal or frowned upon?

    I have also seen a technique, albeit from a BJJ instructor, where you put your shin and sort of... "leverage" your opponent to turn their head. I'll post the link down below, but I wondered if this is illegal also. Any help would be appreciated. I don't want to practice anything that won't be legal in a match.

    Here is the link to the video. He does the technique the "nice" way first, and uses his knee at about the 2 minute mark. In the video, he uses his hand to push the face away, which is obviously illegal in judo, but I wondered if the knee on chin aspect was.


    hands on face is illegal especially if you do it on purpose and are facing uke. leg on face in juji gatame I've never seen called or called as a ref. Some face contact is possible in juji regardless. The "mask" is the area to leave alone.


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    Post by Stacey Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:17 am

    kamashio gatame? Belly to the face? You can touch the face with just about anything other than the hands (though I have seen it called when a forearm is used to push the face...). Senkaku jime? Yeah, the legs frequently touch parts of the mask of the face.

    Where you're going to have trouble with the shin to the face is if you place neck in jeopardy. So, if you put your knee or shin into somebody's face to force them to turn their head, you run the risk of hansoko make for jeopardizing the neck.

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    Post by gabe_tash Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:14 pm

    Any anatomical extremity besides hands touching the FACE, while probably legal, is frowned upon because it is not a valid/efficient technique. I often see beginners or low level BJJ guys be stuck in kesa gatame or other osaekomi and use their legs to push on tori's head in an attempt to roll them over. Sure it's not illegal unless tori's neck is in question, but it is not good judo. That being said, juji, and the various chokes that use the leg placement of a bottom juji are legal because there is no pushing of uke's head imo. The physical pushing of uke's face is what separates clean technique from dirty/illegal technique.

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    Post by BillC Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:12 pm

    gabe_tash wrote:...use their legs to push on tori's head in an attempt to roll them over. Sure it's not illegal unless tori's neck is in question, but it is not good judo.

    Oh really? Why is that?

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    Post by gabe_tash Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:47 pm

    BillC wrote:
    gabe_tash wrote:...use their legs to push on tori's head in an attempt to roll them over. Sure it's not illegal unless tori's neck is in question, but it is not good judo.

    Oh really? Why is that?

    Correction. "good" judo. A lot of judoka tend to really dislike seeing beginners make up techniques that weren't taught by someone else. Myself included for some reason haha, even though I know that's a pessimistic way of viewing their creativity.

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    Post by hedgehogey Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:02 pm

    That isn't a made up technique. That's a legitimate escape that lots of people teach.

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    Post by gabe_tash Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:48 pm

    hedgehogey wrote:That isn't a made up technique. That's a legitimate escape that lots of people teach.

    True, but when people who haven't been taught it still do it, then it gets ugly. Their whole objective is to do the same as pushing with the hands but with your legs instead, which shouldn't be much better imo.

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