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    Judo noob needs advice for first competition!


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    Judo noob needs advice for first competition! Empty Judo noob needs advice for first competition!

    Post by sydvicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:14 am

    I've been doing Judo for about 7 months and I am currently 6th Kyu.

    I'm entering my first competition in Feb, as there will be a category for novice-6th Kyu. I'm obviously very excited but also very nervous! Is there anything in particular I should prepare for or keep in mind? What are your memories of your first competitions and would you change anything if you could do it again?


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    Post by Davaro Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:55 am

    Best piece of advice you are going to get: You have to breathe. Most guys in their first shiai tend to forget to do this... breathe and relax.

    Dont worry about the other stuff... just try to enjoy the experience and take it for what it is; experience.

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    Post by Davaro Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:57 am

    PS - Love your avatar... reminds me of my favourite rugby team cheers

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    Judo noob needs advice for first competition! Empty Re: Judo noob needs advice for first competition!

    Post by sydvicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:02 am

    Davaro wrote:PS - Love your avatar... reminds me of my favourite rugby team cheers

    Thanks for the reply. It is my favourate team too, hence why I chose it Cool
    genetic judoka
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    Post by genetic judoka Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:05 am

    focus on your breathing. even if you think you're calm and ready, I bet a dollar when you step up to the line your heart is gonna be going a mile a minute, and this is guaranteed to sap your energy. my advice is to not think about ANYTHING except using slow deep breaths to slow your heart rate down. in addition to helping you not gas out in the first 10 seconds, it has a calming effect, which ought to improve your performance.

    also, and this might be wasted breath because if you manage to follow this advice your first tournament it will be amazing, but keep your arms relaxed. everyone goes in thinking "Ok there's no way I'm gonna allow this guy to get close enough to throw me." and even though you're probably not consciously thinking that, I bet it'll be going in the back of your mind, and you'll go out there and stiff arm like crazy, and as a result it will be very difficult to get in any attacks of your own. so instead of thinking "I'm not gonna let this guy anywhere near me" think "I'm gonna get out of this guys way, and not be where he expects me to be."

    and just remember it's your first event, so nobody is expecting anything out of you. if you lose big nobody will be disappointed. if you play ultra defensive and don't get thrown, but don't throw anyone either, nobody will be all that impressed. but if you go out there and attack boldly and frequently, even if as a result you get countered and lose big, people will be impressed. go out there and go for broke, you have nothing to lose by doing so.

    and also, when you find out you're 4th or 5th in line, go to the bathroom and try to empty your bladder. trust me, the words "I gotta pee" are the last thing you want running through your mind when you're in the middle of a match.

    lastly, try to have fun. if you're not having fun, what's the point? it's not the world championships, it's a novice tournament, relax, try to meet people in your division (and be friendly with them) and have as much fun as possible.

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    Judo noob needs advice for first competition! Empty Re: Judo noob needs advice for first competition!

    Post by sydvicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:12 am

    genetic judoka wrote:focus on your breathing. even if you think you're calm and ready, I bet a dollar when you step up to the line your heart is gonna be going a mile a minute, and this is guaranteed to sap your energy. my advice is to not think about ANYTHING except using slow deep breaths to slow your heart rate down. in addition to helping you not gas out in the first 10 seconds, it has a calming effect, which ought to improve your performance.

    also, and this might be wasted breath because if you manage to follow this advice your first tournament it will be amazing, but keep your arms relaxed. everyone goes in thinking "Ok there's no way I'm gonna allow this guy to get close enough to throw me." and even though you're probably not consciously thinking that, I bet it'll be going in the back of your mind, and you'll go out there and stiff arm like crazy, and as a result it will be very difficult to get in any attacks of your own. so instead of thinking "I'm not gonna let this guy anywhere near me" think "I'm gonna get out of this guys way, and not be where he expects me to be."

    and just remember it's your first event, so nobody is expecting anything out of you. if you lose big nobody will be disappointed. if you play ultra defensive and don't get thrown, but don't throw anyone either, nobody will be all that impressed. but if you go out there and attack boldly and frequently, even if as a result you get countered and lose big, people will be impressed. go out there and go for broke, you have nothing to lose by doing so.

    and also, when you find out you're 4th or 5th in line, go to the bathroom and try to empty your bladder. trust me, the words "I gotta pee" are the last thing you want running through your mind when you're in the middle of a match.

    lastly, try to have fun. if you're not having fun, what's the point? it's not the world championships, it's a novice tournament, relax, try to meet people in your division (and be friendly with them) and have as much fun as possible.

    Thanks for the advice! I'll make sure to keep it in mind.

    I actually can't believe how nervous I already am. I did wrestling for 10 years and I don't remember ever getting nervous before a competition! Im sure I'll be fine on the day though...
    genetic judoka
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    Post by genetic judoka Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:21 am

    I once told someone to write the word BREATHE! on the back of their hand before their first tournament. they said it helped.

    do you have class between now and the tournament? if so and you get a chance to do some randori, use that time to work on keeping focused. maybe ask others in the room to have loud background conversations to try to distract you, as the room WILL be loud when you go to compete.

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    Judo noob needs advice for first competition! Empty Re: Judo noob needs advice for first competition!

    Post by sydvicious Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:34 am

    genetic judoka wrote:I once told someone to write the word BREATHE! on the back of their hand before their first tournament. they said it helped.

    do you have class between now and the tournament? if so and you get a chance to do some randori, use that time to work on keeping focused. maybe ask others in the room to have loud background conversations to try to distract you, as the room WILL be loud when you go to compete.

    I will have couple classes before, so I will concentrate on these things in Randori.

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    Post by judoratt Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:34 am

    With a name like Sydvicious there shouldn't be a problem, "next on deck Sydvicious" LaughingLaughing

    There has ben plenty of good advice what I would add is to relax and don't be in a hurry. If you get through the first 30 to 60 seconds in good shape it should all be down hill from there. Good luck.
    Old Chestnut

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    Judo noob needs advice for first competition! Empty Re: Judo noob needs advice for first competition!

    Post by Old Chestnut Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:36 pm

    Hi Sydvicious I started Judo 9 months ago and had my first tournament last month, and it was an eye-opener.

    I lost in the first round, and during the match all but 2-3 techniques disappeared from my mind, and I was unfortunately unable to apply any of them (part of the reason being that my opponent was >30kg heavier). Perhaps the thing I felt I could have worked on most was getting past my opponent continually stiff-arming me, as well as using his force while he was pushing forwards.

    So good luck, and don't worry about winning or losing (I lost, but my eldest loves my loser's medal, so there's always an upside).

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    Post by Ricebale Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:57 pm

    Hey dude,

    Best of luck, winning or losing is not in the hand being raised at the end of each match but rather about applying or giving your best effort to apply the techniques and strategy your coach has taught you.

    In the MMA section I posted a young kid of mine in his first ever match, was irrelevant that he won but rather he did exactly as we agreed on prior.

    Anyone can win via a stalling penalty etc but losing by the application of technique attempt is a better personal victory IMO as you are now tested and aware.

    Keep it simple and enjoy.

    genetic judoka
    genetic judoka

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    Post by genetic judoka Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:04 pm

    oh, and throw them before they throw you. don't forget about that part.

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    Post by JudoMum Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:14 pm

    My son's advice to new competitors (he is 14 and still a relative newb himself, but the little kids hang onto the hem of his jacket..) is to remember you're fighting the person, not their grade, and to walk on as if you own the mat - stand tall, head up, brisk and businesslike. He says half the battle is in the mind, and if you play the part of the winner from the off, you are already half way there.

    Good Luck!

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    Post by heikojr Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:32 pm

    JudoMum wrote:My son's advice to new competitors (he is 14 and still a relative newb himself, but the little kids hang onto the hem of his jacket..) is to remember you're fighting the person, not their grade, and to walk on as if you own the mat - stand tall, head up, brisk and businesslike. He says half the battle is in the mind, and if you play the part of the winner from the off, you are already half way there.

    Good Luck!

    That's a wise 14 year old! I'm sure that you're proud!


    Judo noob needs advice for first competition! Empty Re: Judo noob needs advice for first competition!

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:45 am

    sydvicious wrote:I've been doing Judo for about 7 months and I am currently 6th Kyu.

    I'm entering my first competition in Feb, as there will be a category for novice-6th Kyu. I'm obviously very excited but also very nervous! Is there anything in particular I should prepare for or keep in mind? What are your memories of your first competitions and would you change anything if you could do it again?


    The only advice I can give you is to never lose sight that you are not fighting a "belt". You are fighting a man. The last time I did any shiai was about 2 1/2 years ago. I was fighting this white belt and quite frankly I was nervous. Once I settled down I threw him for ippon about a minute into the match but I tell you what, he fought me hard. On my second match that day I was winning against a nidan until I got lightheaded and nauseous and nearly passed out due to dehydration. I essentially fell down and I lost that match via osaekomi. I had to withdraw from my third match becasue I was overheating and ill. Turns out that white belt I beat ended up beating the nidan with what seemingly looked like will power. So, that's why I say to never lose sight that you're just fighting a man and to give it all you got. Winning and losing doesn't matter. As a matter of fact there used to be a fellow by the name of Hanon (not sure if Mike posts here) who used to say that you've already won once you step on to the tatami. I agree with that.

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    Judo noob needs advice for first competition! Empty Re: Judo noob needs advice for first competition!

    Post by sydvicious Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:22 am

    Thanks for all the replies. It means a lot!

    I'm not so fussed about winning or losing. I'm just looking forward to find out 'where I'm at'.

    I also agree with the previous post about fighting a man, not a belt. I experienced it in randori last night. I was partnered with a brown belt. He was younger and lighter than me, but he was very 'arrogant'. In ne-waza randori he was just hell-bent on showing off his skills on me. He was in full competition mode. Needless to say, me only being a red belt, I got choked and arm locked quite a few times. And when I say he was in competition mode, I mean that if I tapped couple of seconds to late I would've gone to sleep or lost a limb! When I got partnered with him again in nage-waza, I just decided, screw you, you are not going to throw me! And he didn't. He tried all the throws, but he just couldn't throw me. Now I'm not trying to blow my own horn, because I went against what randori is supposed to be, ie. not winning or losing, but he just spoilt the session for me and, unfortunately, I didn't care much for 'rules' at that point.

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    Post by JudoStu Thu Feb 14, 2013 3:54 am

    Whereabouts are you competing?

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    Post by sydvicious Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:45 pm

    Well, my first competition is done and dusted. I had 3 fights, of which I won 2, giving me a silver medal! It was tough, but I enjoyed it very much, although I feel 30 years older today...

    I described it in more detail in my blog (link in my sig), so feel free to have read.

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    Post by JudoMojo Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:57 pm

    Nice read. The competition wasn't Kendal kyu and mon grade competition by any chance was it?

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    Post by sydvicious Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:00 am

    JudoMojo wrote:Nice read. The competition wasn't Kendal kyu and mon grade competition by any chance was it?

    Thanks. No, it was in Worthing.

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    Post by JudoMojo Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:45 am

    sydvicious wrote:
    JudoMojo wrote:Nice read. The competition wasn't Kendal kyu and mon grade competition by any chance was it?

    Thanks. No, it was in Worthing.

    Ah, just wondering, gathered you were from the UK and saw the Kendal competition on my facebook today. Congrats on your silver!

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    Post by JudoStu Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:38 am

    Congrats. winning two out of three in your first comp is excellent.
    Ben Reinhardt
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    Post by Ben Reinhardt Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:48 am

    So, Syd, what's the difference between a sweep and a throw?

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    Post by samsmith2424 Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:13 am

    Are you trying to be smart Ben! This is someone who has not been learning judo for very long.


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    Post by sydvicious Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:16 am

    Ben Reinhardt wrote:So, Syd, what's the difference between a sweep and a throw?

    Just saw the replies now.
    Sweeps - De Ashi Barai etc.
    Throws - Shoulder throws, hip throws etc.
    Am I wrong?

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