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    One of the first demonstrations of Judo for educational purposes by women


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    One of the first demonstrations of Judo for educational purposes by women Empty One of the first demonstrations of Judo for educational purposes by women

    Post by finarashi Sat Mar 25, 2017 8:48 pm

    In August 1907 the second "School Hygiene Congress" took place in London. In that Congress Judo was demonstrated by two women.

    Nya Pressen, Helsinki, Finland, 14.08.1907, no 217 , p. 2 reports from that congress (Finn's had delegates) as follows
    "..there was a demonstration of Japanese method of Jiu-Jitsu by two dames Miss Lauder Brunton and her friend.."

    "..Specifically wonderful was it to see how using - grips that seemed weak - the young ladies threw each other to the floor so that the whole hall echoed. .."

    My guess is that the lead demonstrator was Sir Lauder Brunton's daughter.

    Joe Swinth has http://ejmas.com/jalt/jaltart_svinth_0201.htm
    "Emily Diana Watts started learning jujutsu around 1903. Her instructor was Sadakazu "Raku" Uyenishi, a first-rate judoka who wrestled in London music halls, operated a judo club at Golden Square in Soho and published an excellent Text Book of Ju-Jutsu as Practised in Japan (London: Athletic Publications, 1905).
    Within three years Watts had her own class of fifteen boys at Prince's Skating Rink, in Knightbridge, and her own book, The Fine Art of Jujutsu (London: William Heinemann, 1906). While the photographs illustrating the book suggest that her judo was nothing special, the book itself is interesting for two reasons. First, what Watts was showing was not partner-assisted stretching, but honest-to-goodness judo. Second, the introduction by Her Grace the Duchess of Bedford and the preface by Sir Lauder Brunton, MD, D.Sc., LLD Edinburgh, LLD Aberdeen, FRS, indicate the social class toward which the expensively bound and lavishly illustrated hardback was directed

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