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    Judo after Total Knee Replacement or Total Hip Replacement surgery


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    Judo after Total Knee Replacement or Total Hip Replacement surgery Empty Judo after Total Knee Replacement or Total Hip Replacement surgery

    Post by jgelman Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:55 pm

    I tried to look up this topic and can not find much. I am aware of a French Study that was published that showed a lot of older judoka who had joint replacements returned to judo but not ever to competition. I saw a couple of post on the internet by people who were recovering from joint replacement surgery and were planning to get back on the mat, etc.

    I started Judo at age 12 and have been mostly limited to BJJ for over 15 years because of very premature cartilage degeneration having nothing to do with injury or Judo. Bad genetics in that way I guess. I have been limited because the main thing that causes a problem is bending one knee while weight bearing to come in for throws. No problem with pain for daily activities and so I have been told to wait until it is a pain issue.

    My right hip (that once had open removal of cartilage loose bodies with one of them over 2x4 cm) is just recently starting to now cause some pain and imaging showed progression in right hip and bilateral knee OA which will only get worse. I was told joint replacement, right hip and both knees would be in my future. I was wondering, with new joints, would I then be able to finally get back to judo where I could actually Randori (and not get knee effusions).

    I would be most interested in knowing if anyone on this forum either personally had or knows someone who had hip and/or knee replacement surgery and if so, EXACTLY what can they do and not do as far as Judo after full recovery with PT and ongoing proper exercise and conditioning. Range of motion? Able to Randori? Limitations compared to good normal joints?


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    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    Judo after Total Knee Replacement or Total Hip Replacement surgery Empty both knees after reconstruction knees ligaments - randori

    Post by noboru Thu May 03, 2018 7:50 pm

    I have both knees after reconstruction knees ligaments (it is less problems than your). I practice randori too but I changed some used waza. Now I prefere making more ashi waza and owaza with both foots on the mat (Taiotoshi, Seoinage, Seoiotoshi, Ogoshi, Ukigoshi, Sode tsurikomi goshi, Sotomakikomi). I had to practice more for better kuzushi, how create situations for kuzushi for tokui waza. It is the reason why I practice more ashiwaza... :-)

    Both foots on the mat are safety for my knee during tsukuri and kake. Haraigoshi, Uchimata, Hanegoshi  could be cause problems during rotations. In Uchikomi or Yakusoku geiko yes, but not in randori.

    I must strenght muscles in the legs. I did not practice randori if the leg muscles are weaker (after illness). It is my way how practice randori.

    I found, that for my knee is good practicing iaido from seiza sitting. It is little bit unusual, but the bending and this way of strain is good for me, my legs.  Periodical light running with good absorbing shoes is good for me too. Using steps instead of elevator or trips to hills are good.

    I am 22 and 13 years after surgeries.

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    Judo after Total Knee Replacement or Total Hip Replacement surgery Empty Re: Judo after Total Knee Replacement or Total Hip Replacement surgery

    Post by JudoSensei Sat May 05, 2018 2:44 am

    I had both hips replaced more than 10 years ago. At this point I can't think of any limitations in judo. I comfortably take falls, enjoy randori, perform every technique, and have no fears of dislocation or other injury. I have not competed, but feel like it would also be fine.

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    Judo after Total Knee Replacement or Total Hip Replacement surgery Empty Re: Judo after Total Knee Replacement or Total Hip Replacement surgery

    Post by Stacey Tue May 15, 2018 7:25 am

    I know a number of judoka who have had hip or knee replacements. One coaches a college club but isn't as active as he used to be. Then again, he waited too long and had complications from his double hip replacement. Others get back, usually to much better than they had it. Warning - knee replacesment especially is not for the faint at heart. It hurts a ton, but every day it gets better. Most people think it was the worst mistake of their lives about a week out, but again, every day it gets better. Before too long, you are more comfortable than you were before the surgery and it gets better from there. Then, the more you move, the better you feel.

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    Location : Finland

    Judo after Total Knee Replacement or Total Hip Replacement surgery Empty Re: Judo after Total Knee Replacement or Total Hip Replacement surgery

    Post by finarashi Sun May 20, 2018 4:55 pm

    I have several old friends that enjoy Judo after hip replacements. Just couple a weeks ago talked to one that is now going to go to hip replacement - replacement. The nickel one is going to be replaced.

    I had this week discussion with my orthopedic. I have had three operations in my knees and three years ago the situation in my right knee was bad (pain, swelling, etc..) but thanks to him it is much better now. He is mentally preparing me for the day I need to have my knee replaced. "How long will the artificial knee last" is one of the problems of artificial joints that the technology is progressing fast, new materials are used and the real testing (20 years inside human) is slow. It seems that +10 years is fairly safe bet and +20 very probable, but forever is still a grain of salt.

    My orthopedic told me that hip replacements are medically much easier. 90% of the patients are happy after 6 moths. The knee replacements are only 40% happy after 6 months. It takes more than a year before the satisfaction goes up. The main reason is that you have to peel a lot of muscle and tissue away from the knee for the operation. So there is a lot of scarring. Then you have to work to get the muscles operational again and be careful not to reinjure or retear stuff. Using his words "It heals, but it heals slowly" and like with any big operatin getting the muscles back takes time.

    I do not know whether my rant helps. Mostly it is putting down stuff so I can think about it.

    I do not have any willingness to do competition anymore. In my weight class (heavy) the guys have too big muscles and too big bulk so the forces are such that in real competition the chances of something going wrong are too big. ..and no, I do not want to be one of those heavies that do 5 min with less than one throw attempt per minute. I am more and more enjoying kata. I still do randori. I intentionally fight open and get thrown by smaller, weaker and less knowledgeable judoka, because I give them opportunities to do something. By not resisting but getting thrown I hope I am less prone to injury. And by encouraging judo type of randori; opportunities, movement, taisabaki instead of stiff arms, muscle and force, maybe, just maybe we all learn more about the Judo.

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