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    Is Judo a Budo or JuJutsu?


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    Join date : 2017-12-14

    Is Judo a Budo or JuJutsu?  Empty Is Judo a Budo or JuJutsu?

    Post by Bboystyleus Thu Dec 09, 2021 2:32 am

    I was wondering this since there has been claims by certain BJJ guys that it's a JuJutsu, I know it's a descendant of JJ but since it's intention is not to kill if that makes it a Budo.

    Posts : 17
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    Is Judo a Budo or JuJutsu?  Empty Re: Is Judo a Budo or JuJutsu?

    Post by petrip Fri Dec 10, 2021 6:28 am

    What is Budo or Ju-Jutsu in the first place

    Judo in art created mostly out of two ju-jutsu styles and was sometimes called Kano-ryu ju-jutsu. But I would not call it Ju-Jutsu as it has gone quite far from it roots.

    But no intention to kill has nothing to do with the stuff. There has been Ju-Jutsu styles used mostly in police work where killing 'customers' is not recommended either.
    Judo is separate from Ju-Jutsu because that was decission of Kano to be separate.

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    Is Judo a Budo or JuJutsu?  Empty Re: Is Judo a Budo or JuJutsu?

    Post by davidn Sat Dec 11, 2021 7:07 am

    Judo is a form of jujutsu. All budo is a form of bujutsu.

    Of course you can question that terminology in light of the current state, where sport judo really is all that's seen, many people trying to squeeze any culture out it. Of course the same for BJJ as well.

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    Is Judo a Budo or JuJutsu?  Empty Re: Is Judo a Budo or JuJutsu?

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