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Dutch Budo
genetic judoka
8 posters

    is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web?

    genetic judoka
    genetic judoka

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    is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web? Empty is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web?

    Post by genetic judoka Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:09 am

    I'm finding that one of the biggest hurdles I face is the difference in terminology. I may find myself in a compromising position, and one of the assistant instructors will yell out "go for ____" or "switch to ______ guard" and I'll have no idea what that means, so there well intended advice is of no use to me. I've been picking up some as I go along so it's not as bad as it used to be, but I still find myself lost more often than I want to be.

    can anyone help me out here?

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    is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web? Empty Re: is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web?

    Post by DougNZ Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:25 pm

    mount - tate shiho gatame

    side control / cross mount - yoko shiho gatame

    scarf hold / side control - kesa gatate

    north south - kami shiho gatame

    rear mount / back mount - ura shiho gatame

    closed guard - something close to do jime (without the squeeze)

    open guard - range of techniques with uke controlled within the legs

    butterfly guard - tori sitting, feet hooked inside uke's thighs

    x-guard - tori lying at right angles to uke (yoko sutemi style), front foot hooked inside opposite thigh, rear foot hooked on top of same thigh

    Hereon in it gets trickier to explain. Maybe google an image of each new name you learn and stick it in a scrapbook with your notes.

    Maybe others can add to this list or explain better than I.
    Dutch Budo
    Dutch Budo

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    is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web? Empty Re: is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web?

    Post by Dutch Budo Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:57 pm

    There isnt really a fixed set of names. You may find the same technique having multiple names (like brabo choke/d´arce choke) and some names that share a name (rear naked choke). To confuse it even more, its also dependent on which school you train at how people call it. In general its the instructor that introduces the names, but sometimes students pick up names to. I have for instance got the `drinking girafe escape´ for a guillotine, and the ´pulling your pants down´ escape from mount. These names are meant to illustrate the techniques, not so much as a specific naming method.
    If you spend a long enough time at the academy, you will catch up. I remember I moved to the new place and my instructor asked me to do stuff like `torreando pass` to show it to the group. And I would look at him as if he was speaking chinese. Nowadays I know exactly what he means.

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    is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web? Empty Re: is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web?

    Post by cuivien Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:04 pm

    Take a look at the videos Stephan Kesting put up on Youtube (link here)

    In addition to being really good videos, you'll be introduced to a lot of the "standard" BJJ terminology

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    is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web? Empty Re: is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web?

    Post by Ricebale Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:26 pm


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    is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web? Empty Re: is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web?

    Post by sodo Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:39 pm

    DougNZ wrote:

    closed guard - something close to do jime (without the squeeze)

    Do osae Very Happy



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    is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web? Empty Re: is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web?

    Post by Aikiman Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:57 pm

    Also look up Jason Scully on youtube, he as a series in wich he does like 50 to 80 techniques in 5, 8 minutes and there are subtitles with the names of every technique during the footage.

    If your instructor is brasilian and he uses the "original" name of the techniques you are pretty much done, with a capital "F"... Very Happy

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    is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web? Empty Re: is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web?

    Post by heikojr Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:43 pm

    I don't go to a BJJ class regularly, but what i did was buy a couple of books... Sometimes it helped, other times it didn't.


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    is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web? Empty Re: is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web?

    Post by heikojr Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:48 pm

    Ricebale wrote:

    That is the funniest! EVER! You deserve your next stripe just for posting that!

    genetic judoka
    genetic judoka

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    is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web? Empty Re: is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web?

    Post by genetic judoka Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:53 am

    that video was great. I learned a lot there.

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    is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web? Empty Re: is there a list of BJJ terminology for confused judoka somewhere on the web?

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