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    Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.


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    Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.  Empty Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.

    Post by The_Harvest Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:48 am


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    Location : Belgrade

    Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.  Empty Re: Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.

    Post by Freelancer Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:07 am

    Here's the full video:

    It would be wonderful if somebody would translate it.

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    Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.  Empty Re: Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.

    Post by cuivien Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:28 pm

    Freelancer wrote:
    It would be wonderful if somebody would translate it.

    Indeed. However, the time and effort needed for a single individual to translate a 2+ hrs video is far beyond what anyone who has not tried their hand at translating understands. A couple of years ago I was part of a 3-man-team who translated 青木真也 Aoki Shinya's instructional video (link here if interesting). We didn't get any money for this, as it was intended for distribution inside our club only, and we primarily worked after school. Still, it took almost 4 months of work Neutral

    There is a number of excellent instructional materials (not just from Japan) who will probably go untranslated forever.. Crying or Very sad

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    Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.  Empty Re: Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.

    Post by judoratt Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:14 pm

    Great videos a picture tells 1,000 words. I wouldn't want these translated. There is some great judo here. sunny

    Posts : 21
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    Location : Belgrade

    Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.  Empty Re: Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.

    Post by Freelancer Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:26 am

    judoratt wrote:Great videos a picture tells 1,000 words. I wouldn't want these translated. There is some great judo here. sunny

    Without translation we might miss some important details, wouldn't you agree? Or I might miss them, anyway, since I don't have as much experience as you. Smile

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    Age : 67
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    Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.  Empty Re: Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.

    Post by judoratt Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:03 am

    Freelancer wrote:
    judoratt wrote:Great videos a picture tells 1,000 words. I wouldn't want these translated. There is some great judo here. sunny

    Without translation we might miss some important details, wouldn't you agree? Or I might miss them, anyway, since I don't have as much experience as you:)

    There is two hours of world class judo, just take one move and work on it, I think everything you need is there.
    I bet I have sat through 100 demonstrations not in english and usualy get alot out of it. Put the video of one move you want to learn on your lap top and take it to tha dojo and figure it out. I just don't think Kashiwasaki needs to be transulated. Smile But then again what do I know. Smile

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2013-06-13

    Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.  Empty Re: Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.

    Post by Taohn Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:46 pm

    Freelancer wrote:Here's the full video:

    It would be wonderful if somebody would translate it.

    Yeah, I've been meaning to get around to it for some time...Always loved Kashiwazaki.  Guess now is as good a time as any.
    Pictures do tell a thousand words, but he is talking for a reason Smile

    Anyway, here's the first part. I'm working with the DVD so the time codes might be a couple seconds off. If somebody wants to use youtube's caption function with my translation and re-upload that full length video, feel free (timing is a lot of work!).

    Intro and Osaekomi:

    How to Use the Legs:

    Freeing the Leg:

    Trapping the Arm:

    Osaekomi Tips:
    Old Chestnut

    Posts : 35
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    Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.  Empty Re: Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.

    Post by Old Chestnut Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:48 pm

    Great! Will you be uploading this as an .srt file?

    Posts : 2
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    Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.  Empty Re: Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.

    Post by Taohn Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:54 pm

    Old Chestnut wrote:Great! Will you be uploading this as an .srt file?

    Probably not...I don't know how and I've already broken it down into 20-30 second segments, so I thought it'd be easy enough someone more familiar with that stuff.

    Anyway, here's the next part:

    Attacking the Turtle:


    Drills for Obitori-gaeshi:

    Crocodile Rolls:

    Attacks from Behind:

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    Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.  Empty Re: Kashiwazaki Ne-waza instructional video.

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