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genetic judoka
7 posters

    The Sun: Judo benefits cheat.


    Posts : 54
    Join date : 2013-01-26
    Age : 31
    Location : England.

    The Sun: Judo benefits cheat. Empty The Sun: Judo benefits cheat.

    Post by HumanRevolution Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:09 pm


    I saw this in today's paper. Thought someone may be interested to read.

    Posts : 1298
    Join date : 2013-01-10
    Location : Tokyo, Japan

    The Sun: Judo benefits cheat. Empty Re: The Sun: Judo benefits cheat.

    Post by NBK Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:41 pm

    Listen to Lord Freud - they will get ya.

    genetic judoka
    genetic judoka

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    The Sun: Judo benefits cheat. Empty Re: The Sun: Judo benefits cheat.

    Post by genetic judoka Wed Mar 20, 2013 1:32 am

    now really the only damning evidence it the picture of him moving mats. I know of one person that is technically considered disabled who teaches judo. and by teach I mean mainly instructing from the sidelines, but will occasionally come out and give a demonstration if no healthier yudansha is available. they just limp off the mat afterward. but someone could easily come up with a set of pictures such as these, just by choosing which moments to take a picture, that would make them look like a cheat.

    now if this individual was out there doing randori, that would be a different story.

    Posts : 157
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    Age : 83

    The Sun: Judo benefits cheat. Empty Re: The Sun: Judo benefits cheat.

    Post by afja_lm139 Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:36 am

    He took "maximum benefit with minimum effort," seriously Smile Yeah, a little diversion in the quote may be his thoughts.

    Old saying, Mencius asked Confucius, "Why he was a man of few words." Confucius replied, "the ancient ones were reserved in their speech, lest the actions not live up to their words."

    We used to paraphrase it like this, "One who knows does not talk. One who talks does not know." Lots of people I know talk too much.

    Posts : 330
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    The Sun: Judo benefits cheat. Empty Re: The Sun: Judo benefits cheat.

    Post by tafftaz Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:18 am

    For those not resident in the UK the sun "newspaper" is not worth wiping your bottom with.
    A good friend of mine teaches judo and he lost his leg a few years ago.
    Take whatever the sun writes with a massive dose of skeptiscism.

    Posts : 211
    Join date : 2013-01-19
    Location : England.

    The Sun: Judo benefits cheat. Empty Re: The Sun: Judo benefits cheat.

    Post by seatea Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:37 am

    While the Sun is indeed drivel (just look at the front page of their 18th March edition) it does seem that this teacher is guilty. He claimed to be virtually wheelchair bound but can perform throws and lift mats.

    Posts : 103
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    The Sun: Judo benefits cheat. Empty Re: The Sun: Judo benefits cheat.

    Post by hedgehogey Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:52 am

    It's the favorite tactic of bad journalism to serve as a brickbat against people fighting for the rights of the disabled to food, clothes and shelter by showing them doing things. Disabilities are usually more complex than shitty, bottom feeding AM radio pundits would have you believe though. Sometimes you have a good day where you can do everything a "normal" person can, sometimes a shitty one. Some disabilities effect certain activities but not others.

    Especially using a grappling sport which everyone is in agreement can be adapted for nearly everyone in this line of idiot reasoning is terrible. You could dig up footage of Keiko Fukuda getting up from her wheelchair to perform NNK. You could watch Kyle Maynard or that wrestler with only one leg on the mat. Nothing wrong with them! They need to get back to work and stop taking our welfare!

    Meanwhile, in the time it took for the journalism school dropout employed by The Sun to write that article, McDonnel-Douglas pocketed 30,000$ of US taxpayer's money.

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    The Sun: Judo benefits cheat. Empty Re: The Sun: Judo benefits cheat.

    Post by hedgehogey Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:01 am

    also, I don't know if every dojo does this, but I was always taught to bend forward at the end of osoto gari, supported on my grips. That he seems unable to do this is telling.

    Posts : 54
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    Age : 31
    Location : England.

    The Sun: Judo benefits cheat. Empty Re: The Sun: Judo benefits cheat.

    Post by HumanRevolution Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:15 am

    This was covered by several news outlets, It's just my bother likes the sports pages in the Sun so that is what I get every morning. ITV, the Mirror and The Daily Mail covered it as well, so for those who don't like the Sun they have done similar articles.


    Posts : 330
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    Age : 59
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    The Sun: Judo benefits cheat. Empty Re: The Sun: Judo benefits cheat.

    Post by tafftaz Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:11 am

    It is not just a dis-like of the sun (although it is an awful newspaper), the mail and mirror can be just as bad. Also ITV have not got a great record when it comes to sensationalism in the news.
    Most tabloid journalists will make a story out of nothing.
    Years ago a man with the same name as me got sent to prison for manslaughter. He kicked an unconcious man in the head and killed him. The headlines mentioned a "karate" style kick. So they put two and two together and came up with 7 when they found out that I did judo.The phones did'nt stop ringing from national papers. All wanting to know how my wife could live with a murderer (their words. I had people approaching me in the street asking why I was'nt locked up.
    My family had a week of craziness.
    All down to sensationalism and no research or background checks carried out.

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    The Sun: Judo benefits cheat. Empty Re: The Sun: Judo benefits cheat.

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