by hedgehogey Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:52 am
It's the favorite tactic of bad journalism to serve as a brickbat against people fighting for the rights of the disabled to food, clothes and shelter by showing them doing things. Disabilities are usually more complex than shitty, bottom feeding AM radio pundits would have you believe though. Sometimes you have a good day where you can do everything a "normal" person can, sometimes a shitty one. Some disabilities effect certain activities but not others.
Especially using a grappling sport which everyone is in agreement can be adapted for nearly everyone in this line of idiot reasoning is terrible. You could dig up footage of Keiko Fukuda getting up from her wheelchair to perform NNK. You could watch Kyle Maynard or that wrestler with only one leg on the mat. Nothing wrong with them! They need to get back to work and stop taking our welfare!
Meanwhile, in the time it took for the journalism school dropout employed by The Sun to write that article, McDonnel-Douglas pocketed 30,000$ of US taxpayer's money.