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    [Christensen & Tolstoy] Renraku-no-kata


    Posts : 1070
    Join date : 2013-01-02

    [Christensen & Tolstoy] Renraku-no-kata Empty [Christensen & Tolstoy] Renraku-no-kata

    Post by Jonesy Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:26 pm

    [Christensen & Tolstoy] Renraku-no-kata - Forms of continuation

    This modern kata was created in Denmark in 1989 by Per Christensen and Alex Tolstoy and consists of two sets of seven combination techniques.  For each combination the techniques are executed in rapid succession, with the movement from one to the next being a smooth unbroken sequence.

    Set 1
    1. O-uchi-gari / Uchi-mata 
    2. O-soto-gari /Harai-goshi
    3. Hidari Ko-soto-gari / Harai-tsurikomi-ashi
    4. Harai-goshi / Tani-otoshi
    5. Morote-seoi-nage / O-uchi-gari
    6. Tsurikomi-goshi / Hidari Sode-tsurikomi-goshi 
    7. Morote-seoi-nage / Hidari Ippon-seoi-nage

    Set 2
    1.  Ko-uchi-gari / O-uchi-gari
    2. O-soto-gari / O-soto-gari
    3. Hidari Ko-uchi-gari / Yoko-tomoe-nage
    4. Tai-otoshi / Tai-otoshi
    5. Hidari Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi / Okuri-ashi-barai
    6. O-soto-gari / Hidari Hiza-guruma
    7. Hidari Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi / Uchi-mata

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:07 am