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    Judo-Korean military won't let judoka off the hook

    Cichorei Kano
    Cichorei Kano

    Posts : 1948
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    Judo-Korean military won't let judoka off the hook Empty Judo-Korean military won't let judoka off the hook

    Post by Cichorei Kano Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:40 pm

    (<From Reuters)

    By Narae Kim
       SEOUL, Jan 13 (Reuters) - Dirty looks and 'shushing' are the
    normal penalties for being caught using a cellphone where you
    shouldn't but Olympic judo silver medallist Wang Ki-chun was
    busted by South Korean military police and held for eight days
    during his national service.
       Wang, who won silver in the men's under 73kg division at the
    2008 Beijing Games, relinquished his cellphone when he entered
    the Korea Army Training Centre in Nonsan, 180 kilometres south
    of Seoul, on Dec. 10, according to local media reports.
       However, the 25-year-old was then caught using another one
    two weeks later and faced "punitive measures" at the military
    correctional facility between Dec. 31 and Jan. 7.
       An official at the Ministry of National Defence told Reuters
    on Monday: "It is rare for us to detect the usage of mobile
    phones during the four-week training. But as long as Wang
    re-enlists and finishes the four-week training all over again,
    he is off the hook."
       In South Korea, all able-bodied men are required to serve in
    the military for about two years.
       However, athletes who win medals at the Olympics, or gold
    medals at the Asian Games, are granted exemptions as long as
    they complete four weeks of military training and spend 34
    months as coaches or athletes in the same sport.
       The official said athletes and celebrities were given no
    preferential treatment during their stints.
       "We are just following the instructions that are universally
    applied to all soldiers," the official added. "We did not and do
    not give him special treatment just because he is a national
    team athlete."
       Wang is now reported to be at home waiting for his
    re-enlistment date.

    (Ref.: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/13/judo-korea-idUSL3N0KN19420140113

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