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    Rensa-no-kata - Forms of Chain Techniques


    Posts : 1070
    Join date : 2013-01-02

    Rensa-no-kata - Forms of Chain Techniques Empty Rensa-no-kata - Forms of Chain Techniques

    Post by Jonesy Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:59 pm

    Rensa-no-kata - Forms of Chain Techniques

    The Rensa-no-kata (rensa meaning "chain") illustrates different situations to make a transition from standing to the ground position. It is a German creation - developed by Gerhard Steidele.

    The kata consists of three groups with each five transitions into the ground position. The techniques get carried out toward one side only (right or left) and each get completed with a katame-, kensetsu- or shime-waza.

    Tori pushes--> Tori "De-ashi-barai" --> "Kuzure-kesa-gatame"
    Uke pushes--> Uke "Tomoe-nage" --> "Yoko-shiho-gatame"
    Uke moves sideways--> Tori "Soto-maki-komi" --> "Gyaku-kesa-gatame"
    Tori pushes--> Tori "Hiki-komi-gaeshi" --> "Tate-shiho-gatame"
    Uke pushes--> Uke "Ippon-seoi-nage" --> "Kuzure-kami-shiho-gatame"

    Uke circular motion --> Uke "Uchi-mata" --> "Hadaka-jime"
    Tori moves--> Tori "Ko-uchi-gake" --> "Ryo-te-jime"
    Tori moves sideways --> Uke "Soto-maki-komi" --> "Okuri-eri-jime"
    Tori moves--> Tori "Ko-uchi-gari" --> "Kata-ha-jime"
    Tori moves--> Uke "O-uchi-barai" --> "Ashi-jime"

    Tori moves (in a cirlce) --> Tori "Yoko-tomoe-nage" --> "Juji-gatame"
    Tori circular motion --> Uke "Ko-uchi-gari" --> "Ashi-gatame"
    Tori moves --> Tori "Ko-uchi-barai" --> "Gyaku-waki-gatame"
    Tori moves sideways --> Uke "O-soto-gari" --> "Ude-garami"
    Tori moves (in a circle) --> Uke "Kuchiki-daoshi" --> "Ude-gatame"

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