"My position on the value of traditional, classical kata is firm. I find them utterly useless when it comes to developing real Judo skills. One caveat is that the randori kata might provide some minor insight into real Judo performance in the absence of drill training, or informal kata. If, however, your training does consist of drills, then formal kata is a waste of precious and limited time on the mat if your goal is to improve your fighting skills."
Gerald Lafon, member of the USJA Coach Certification Committee
"My position on the value of traditional, classical kata is firm. I find them utterly useless when it comes to developing real Judo skills. One caveat is that the randori kata might provide some minor insight into real Judo performance in the absence of drill training, or informal kata. If, however, your training does consist of drills, then formal kata is a waste of precious and limited time on the mat if your goal is to improve your fighting skills."
Gerald Lafon, member of the USJA Coach Certification Committee