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    Kari vs Harai


    Posts : 42
    Join date : 2014-03-12

    Kari vs Harai Empty Kari vs Harai

    Post by classicschmosby Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:46 am

    Could someone explain the differences between these two movements please?
    The only explanation i have read is that a kari is a movement similar to reaping with a sickle which is not a movement that I am familiar with.
    Ben Reinhardt
    Ben Reinhardt

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    Location : Bonners Ferry, Idaho, USA

    Kari vs Harai Empty Re: Kari vs Harai

    Post by Ben Reinhardt Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:40 am

    classicschmosby wrote:Could someone explain the differences between these two movements please?
    The only explanation i have read is that a kari is a movement similar to reaping with a sickle which is not a movement that I am familiar with.

    Harai is derived from the verb for "to sweep", "Kari" from the verb "to cut".

    Kari or gari waza put weight on the leg, which is then "cut" or "reaped" from under uke. Can reap/cut with foot/leg (Osoto Gari, Ouchi Gari, Kosoto Gari, et al.) or hand(s) (Morote Gari, for example).

    Harai/barai, the weight is not fully on the limb to be "swept", or transferring on or off the limb, e.g., De Ashi Barai, Okuri Ashi Barai.

    Note that some kari waza can turn into "sweeping-like" action where the limb to be "cut" isn't fully weighted..hence some people using terms like "Kosoto Barai".


    Posts : 203
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    Kari vs Harai Empty Re: Kari vs Harai

    Post by Emanuele2 Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:40 am

    In Italian kari/gari is translated as "to reap".

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    Location : Norway

    Kari vs Harai Empty Re: Kari vs Harai

    Post by Ryvai Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:34 pm

    classicschmosby wrote:Could someone explain the differences between these two movements please?
    The only explanation i have read is that a kari is a movement similar to reaping with a sickle which is not a movement that I am familiar with.

    The best explaination I've ever read about the difference between gari (reaping), harai (sweeping) and gake (hooking) I found in the book by T. Daigo. Mifune explains in short, using a plant and a light object as analogy, the following;

    Kari vs Harai Mifune11

    Posts : 160
    Join date : 2013-12-02

    Kari vs Harai Empty Re: Kari vs Harai

    Post by Reinberger Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:33 pm

    Regarding the last citation, which (without it's context may seem to) cover(s) ashi waza generally:

    Of course, there is not only harai (sweeping), kake (hooking) and kari (reaping) in ashi waza, but also concepts like kuruma (wheel), as well as different forms of hindrance or "check", called otoshi (dropping) and sasae (support). Examples are hiza guruma, ō soto otoshi, sasae tsuri komi ashi and other techniques.

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