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    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai)


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    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Empty Re: The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai)

    Post by Reinberger Tue May 10, 2016 2:01 am

    I think it's Sarah Mayer in action together with Hatta Ichiro (one of the leading exponents of the Japanese combination of Jūdō/freestyle-wrestling I wrote about in my last post), that we can see here (starting at 4:53) in an Austrian newsreel from 1935 (from "Oesterreichisches Filmmuseum"):


    Here is something about Hatta Ichiro from Joseph Svinth's "Journal of Combative Sports":


    And something about the acquaintanceship between Mayer and Hatta from a letter Sarah Mayer wrote to Gunji Koizumi in 1934, published at the same site:


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    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Empty Dobó on air in Czechoslovakian Radio

    Post by Reinberger Mon Jul 11, 2016 9:19 pm

    In 1935 and 1936, F.S. Dobó appeared several times on different Czechoslovakian radio stations:

    On Saturday, February 17th, 1935 Dobó, together with a certain Stein, had a discussion about Jiu-Jitsu at 14:50 on Radio Prague II.The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 193502171450sadoboradiopragii

    On Thursday, January 30th of 1936, at 18:30 Dobó held a lecture titled "Defend yourself (Jiu-Jitsu)" on Radio Brno.The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 193601301830dodoboradiobrno

    Then there was a radio broadcast on Sunday February 21st, 1936, at 18:40, were Dobó talked about "Something from 'Jiu-Jitsu' " on Radio Bratislava.The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 193602211840sodoboradiobratisl

    Sources are different issues of the Viennese radio program guide "Radio Wien".

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    Join date : 2013-08-26
    Age : 46
    Location : Czech Republic

    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Empty new photos with judo/jujutsu czech pioneers (years 1934)

    Post by noboru Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:06 pm

    Thank you a lot Robert.

    They are from archive of Mr. Frantisek Illek. Date of photos 2.11.1934. They are from Jiujitsu lessons in Straka academy lead by Mr. F.S. Dobó.

    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Image_10
    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Image_11
    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Image_10
    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Image_13
    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Image_12
    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Image10

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    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Empty Re: The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai)

    Post by Reinberger Tue Nov 08, 2016 10:12 pm

    Thank you, Petr!

    Did you notice, that on those pictures Dobo wears similar wrestling trousers - reinforced with leather at the knees - Higashi Katsukuma and others wore very often, 30 years earlier?

    Another thing, that did catch my eye, was the "snappish" way, Dobo wore his obi-knot. Josef Ebetshuber, a prominent Austrian JJ-teacher, who has started training in 1925, always wore his knot in a similar fashion (more to one side than in the center) the whole life, until his death in 1988. I think that is something, that was in vogue in Europe since the interwar period.The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 EBETSH32 The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 JEJUDAN

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    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Empty Budokwai kyu grading confirmation from summer jiujitsu school in Czechoslovakia

    Post by noboru Thu Feb 02, 2017 2:59 am

    Budokwai kyu grading confirmation from 1938 - summer jiujitsu school in Czechoslovakia under Mr. Stokes and Layons from Budokwai London.

    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Imag0910

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    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Empty Re: The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai)

    Post by Reinberger Tue May 23, 2017 1:54 am

    A notice about Dobó teaching Jiu-Jitsu to employees of a security company in Brno, that appeared at page 4 of "Tagesbote" from 9. Oct. 1934.
    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 1934-10-09unterrichtimjiu-jits

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    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Empty Re: The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai)

    Post by Udon Tue May 23, 2017 8:57 am

    The tatami in the photos made me wince.

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    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Empty F.S. Dobo a in Brno - 1934

    Post by noboru Wed May 24, 2017 5:49 pm

    Reinberger wrote:A notice about Dobó teaching Jiu-Jitsu to employees of a security company in Brno, that appeared at page 4 of "Tagesbote" from 9. Oct. 1934.

    Thank you a lot, I'm sharing it in czech judo people. You did a lot for understanding czechoslovak judo / jiujitsu roots. Thank you a lot.

    Udon wrote:The tatami in the photos made me wince.

    I think there are old gymnastics mats from leather and filled up cow and horse hair.

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    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Empty T.P.Leggett lead judo camp in July 1937 in Czechoslovakia

    Post by noboru Thu Jul 19, 2018 12:27 am

    Some photos with T.P.Leggett. He taugh judo and lead judo camp in July 1937 in Czechoslovakia ( Kačák valley near village Unhošt near city Kladno). Source: Bauer Václav

    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Legget10

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    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Empty some photos from czech judokas and Kitayama Junyu

    Post by noboru Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:29 pm

    Here are some photos from czech judokas and Kitayama Junyu from 1950-1960. teaching judo, teaching selfdefence, teaching woman selfdefence,
    Building space for training (wood sawdust under the mats)

    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Csjjiu10
    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 J_kita10
    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 J_kita11
    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Skupin10
    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Vyuka_10
    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Zenske10

    Building space for training (wood sawdust under the mats)
    The early days of Judo in Czechoslovak Republic (and the contribution of the London Budokwai) - Page 2 Zapast10

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